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poquito_kale t1_ize97hi wrote

> According to Inkolo Kantu Traditional Organisation spokesperson and traditional expert Loyiso Nqevu, once a water monitor lizard or bees enter a home, it is very important for the family in question to spring into action and look for answers from traditional healers to get a better understanding of what type of ceremony needs to be performed.

I think the foaming wasp killer spray ceremony needed to be performed.


Fabulous_Ad5052 t1_izffbx9 wrote

Mankind relies heavily on bees to pollinate our crops and world. They can be safely moved so we can coexist.


CitizenCobalt t1_izea60t wrote

So African Honeybees...ok, yeah, I see why this happened. I mean, you'd still want a professional to remove European bees, but generally you can still exist in their general vicinity.

African Bees are about -50 on the chill meter. What an awful way to go.



Nah, I live here and they won't fuck with you unless you are actively fucking with them. The idea of murderous bees acting like wasps is waaaay overblown.


CitizenCobalt t1_izfs631 wrote

Well, I'm happy to be wrong about that one. I'm content to let bees do their thing. But Yellow Jackets are so...ugh, they're just like "I see you standing waaaaaay over there minding your own business...and I don't like that!"

I suppose these bees didn't appreciate the talking to.


Famarli t1_ize3uq0 wrote

ya'll don't listen. If ever bees come to your house,get a professional to remove them.its not your ancestors.


Fabisha t1_ize3iu7 wrote

If they believe the ancestors were angry with him, they should accept his demise before the ancestors get angry with them.. Rip


Sinfaroth t1_ize8gxr wrote

he was actually stabbed by the beekeeper. don't talk trash about the beekeeper in front of his hive.