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kevinds t1_j621pl3 wrote

>Garvin also brought up concerns by an unsheltered woman who claims she was scooped up by a bulldozer and put in the dumpster.

>"They scooped you up, and they threw you in the dumpster?" Garvin is heard asking in the video. "Yeah and then I'm literally screaming but I was in the tent and I couldn't open it," the woman replied.

No.. If that happened, you wouldn't be walking afterwards..

If they didn't know you were there, using a loader, they would just continue to pile stuff in the dumpster, you would be crushed and/or impaled by other stuff being added to the dumpster.

If it has been a bulldozer, you would have been crushed against other stuff and perphaps run over, but not put in a dumpster. Bulldozers only push/scape. They don't lift.