
vineyardmike t1_jczgflg wrote

I was thinking more about his personal business that seems to be focused on speaking engagements.

One takeaway I got was you're better off using a credit card than a debit card because you have no liability on a credit card for fraudulent purchases. The caveat would be that you need to pay your credit card on time.


vineyardmike t1_jcd7nn7 wrote

Quote from a Utah state senator a couple of days ago. You can't make this stuff up.

“A couple of years ago, Governor Cox got soundly mocked by left-leaning liberal media for asking Utahns to come together in faith and prayer, no matter what their denomination or faith was, to pray for precipitation,” Henderson said.

“We’ve got a lot more to do, and there’s a lot more water that we need, but we are experiencing some potentially record-setting precipitation levels this winter. Thank you for your prayers, and I want to say thank you for sticking it to the liberal pundits,” Henderson told delegates.

In June of 2021, Cox called for a “weekend of prayer,” asking Utahns of all faiths to pray for rain to help rescue the state from the grip of a multi-year drought. Cox’s call for prayer as drought relief was ridiculed by several prominent media figures, including comedian John Oliver on his “Last Week Tonight” HBO program.

Henderson also reportedly delivered some version of her comments at Republican Party events in Weber and Cache Counties on Saturday.