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gheiminfantry t1_j41kb4y wrote

“It was really exciting as a policy advocate and a mom to get the whole world to bend over backwards for my precious little angel. Now everyone is forced to acknowledge that he's special”

Yes, having allergies is real. The recent explosion of people with "food sensitivities" isn't caused by biology. It's exacerbated by accommodation.


monogreenforthewin t1_j41sme3 wrote

well that's not true, actual food sensitivity/allergy (not the "beans make me farty so i must have a sensitivity" crowd) is definitely biological. lol but where the sensitivity develops from into our biology is the question. is it chemicals were exposed to? is it parasites/bacteria/viruses that we no longer interact with that causes them to react poorly to certain things?

i remember reading an article several years ago that they were researching implanting/ingesting some kind of hook worm into people with peanut allergies because the chemical the parasite secretes actually alleviates the peanut allergy.


gheiminfantry t1_j41svo5 wrote

Ok. Completely not what I commented about. But you participated. Here's your trophy 🏆.


monogreenforthewin t1_j41udj8 wrote

> The recent explosion of people with "food sensitivities" isn't caused by biology.

your words. but thanks for the trophy


gheiminfantry t1_j421kvt wrote

You completely missed the word "recent" didn't you? If your reading comprehension skills don't increase Ima take back that trophy.


newbikesong t1_j41q4zd wrote

Well, there must be something they can eat.

It is not that of an unreasonable demand. Fat people have their large size brands. Besides, not every food needs eggs in it, for example.

I think there is market for a restaurant which serves specifically for food allergies. Would be expensive, but worth it.


gheiminfantry t1_j41qrml wrote

There's lots for them to eat. They can become amazing cooks like my vegetarian niece. They don't want to have any inconveniences, they want everyone else to bend over backwards for them.


sharrrper t1_j423gke wrote

>They don't want to have any inconveniences

"I might die" is a LOT more than an "inconvenience"


hamhead t1_j42faq3 wrote

Sort of. On an individual level you’re right. On a societal level is where the debate comes in. People can die from a lot of unique things. That doesn’t mean society “bends over” for them. In the majority of cases, they have to accommodate society rather than the other way around.

The question is where does it become societal problem - how many people does it need to impact - before that switches.


prefer-to-stay-anon t1_j444zw8 wrote

Given that 85 million Americans are living with life threatening allergies and intolerances (according to FARE, the biggest food allergy research and advocacy organization, seems a bit high, designed to shock you, but whatever), it seems like 25% of your population having an issue that can cause death without good information is a societal problem.

As for whether adding sesame to the "Contains" list is "bending over", hell no. We already do it for 8 allergens, what is the big deal with adding a 9th?

And don't get me started on the number and extreme lengths I have to go to in order to accommodate society for my food allergies. The only issue is that I have kept them so well hidden that most people won't notice.


hamhead t1_j44brvq wrote

Ok a few things - even if that number is accurate, that’s all allergens, not one specific one.

The contains list isn’t a problem. That’s not what we are talking about. We are talking about changing food to accommodate, or banning certain things, or other actions of that nature. We are talking about people not wanting the ingredient in the food because too many contain it.


prefer-to-stay-anon t1_j450n7o wrote

People vent on twitter. Its what they do. I have said many times on reddit that it is dumb that Ben And Jerry's dairy free flavors contain all the nuts. If you are making an allergy friendly option, make it allergy friendly.

But I know I am shouting into the void, I know the world isn't going to bend to my whims or medical needs, but that isn't going to stop me from complaining that I don't even have allergy friendly "allergy friendly" ice cream. These people are the same. The decision of the food manufacturer is making their life worse. They can't enjoy the things they used to, they can't enjoy the things they could if for a simple change, often a marketing decision. It sucks that their life is worse, just let them vent.


gheiminfantry t1_j444bbj wrote

There's a medical difference between sensitivities (my comment) and allergies (apparently everyone's interpretation). It's the difference between, "I don't like this" and anaphylaxis.


newbikesong t1_j41tdpb wrote

There is a reason not many people are vegetarian. It is a luxury.

Some bend-over is fine by me. Ban peanuts from school, whatever. They won't add much anyway. Have some gluten-free bread. Not every kid needs to drink milk. Don't plant flowers that attract bees, wasps etc... at public spaces. Have some "epi-whatever" medicine at schools just in case. Such is reasonable. They won't cost much.

Don't you think that every food having same basic ingredients is absurd? A bit exaggaretion but stil...


sharrrper t1_j422zze wrote

Hey asshole, you realize that people literally DIE from food allergies right? This isn't a minor inconvenience issue. This is "Please don't put my personal equivalent of cyanide into my food without telling me."


gheiminfantry t1_j443hej wrote

Hey drama queen asshole. I specifically say sensitivities not allergies for a reason. If your reading comprehension is this bad maybe you should take your manufactured outrage someplace else.


sharrrper t1_j444lq6 wrote

The article is about allergens. Maybe you should work on YOUR comprehension.


gheiminfantry t1_j445drd wrote

What's your point? My comment was a partial quote from the article with commentary, and food sensitivity. People are jumping on and downvoting me because they think I'm calling for people with actual life-threatening allergies to die. The conclusions these assholes jump to are amazing.


prefer-to-stay-anon t1_j445kpg wrote

Also, we require manufacturers to say if they put hemlock or carbon monoxide in foods, what is the harm with adding another common poison to the list which must be disclosed?