
hamhead t1_j6dgegm wrote

That’s the supply rate. Not delivery.


User ghost edited. His current statement is nothing like it was, and now is completely irrelevant to the conversation. The AG’s statement he is now linking to also doesn’t say what he thinks it does. All it says is that electricity in CT is expensive. Nobody was arguing that.

/u/Kolzig32189 should be concerned with splitting between supply and delivery, since one is ES and the other is a pass through rate. There is no point to this entire thread of the conversation that he’s replying to if we aren’t concerned with what is what.


hamhead t1_j6deg6l wrote

No one was arguing with you on the delivery side. But the delivery side is irrelevant to OP’s question.

If you want an argument on the delivery side though, delivery increases have been below the inflation rate for years. They certainly have not tripled. As someone else pointed out, they’ve increased under 16% in 6 years. I haven’t checked his math but if you have better info, let us know.


hamhead t1_j5x3u4o wrote

This is the bullshit logic that results in answers like 'compete under a neutral flag'.

If that's actually how it worked, you'd be right. But the Olympics are actually a system of a country showing how impressive they are - especially when you're talking about the top few countries - and nobody fucking believes that the athletes aren't Russian just because they don't have a Russian flag on.

You punish the athletes because the athletes are competing under the auspices of a government. The same reason you punish the people of Russia (or wherever) through economic sanctions even though those don't directly impact those in power.
