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tackle_bones t1_j4bcrv3 wrote

“Get stuff done that wasn’t insane.”

This is the guy that for years tried to organize the killing of social security and other social safety nets. He definitely has insane ideas and promotes them.


Rosebunse t1_j4bdrju wrote

I never got the obsession with killing off social security. What do they think will happen?


tackle_bones t1_j4bieb4 wrote

I’m not sure. I always thought they picked him, in part, because I believe he was raised partially on welfare. So of course, who is a better person to fight against it than someone that directly benefitted from it?!


Rosebunse t1_j4bj3r7 wrote

People like that are the worst because they have to believe that they were "deserving" of that help and that everyone else just needs to suck it up


DizzyAmphibian309 t1_j4cb60z wrote

They don't want to kill it off, they want to make it so that every X years you need to have a vote to extend it. Democrats will always vote yes, but Republicans will use it as leverage to get concessions. Because they're assholes.