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Any_Monitor5224 t1_j4uhjdo wrote

I am a woman with large breasts. No way I could walk around braless in a tight shirt as a teacher without someone saying something to me. I have zero issue with trans folks, but this crosses a line that we hold for all people.


adrianmakedonski t1_j4vsv3y wrote

Agreed. And I'm a trans woman with large breasts.


Justbe333 t1_j4wgfks wrote

As long as you’re not indoctrinating children and just being yourself, I have no problem with that. Gender dysphoria is a real thing, but a lot of “trans”Aa People don’t have it. Yet get a pass and all the praise and defense in the world —-like that guy who is basically just mocking women. That’s what a lot of people don’t get when it comes to criticizing some trans people…. It’s not that they are trans or we are all hateful…Shit in life is more complicated than that.


adrianmakedonski t1_j4wj8yw wrote

Define "indoctrinating children". Every time I hear that, people equate it with "telling kids that trans people exist" or "telling kids that it's ok if they're LGBTQ".


Justbe333 t1_j4wmg55 wrote

They don’t need to know that. I’m not saying it because I’m trying to deny that the existence of LGBTQ people or trans people they’re not your kids. they don’t need to know anything except what they need to know as kids. And the are smart but naive and enormously curious and bold. If they see a trans person or an LGBT couple or whatever out and about they can ask their parents, they have the Internet all of them have cell phones. They can ask other kids and other adults if they’re really curious and don’t accept their parents answer .hell they can look it up most kids now use the internet- i taught myself at 8, then taught my mom. ..if they feel on the inside like they might be like that person, the resources are out there for them to find out and they are not hidden in the least- its everywhere. unless something like that is the case ,they don’t need to know, why do people feel like it’s their place or even important to the child? The child is aware of something that may not affect them whatsoever? It’s not hiding it from them, but kids are influential creatures. They are sponges with infinite imaginations and are constantly finding themselves .they see a spaceman, They want to be a spaceman. They see us dude in a dress(cross dresser, not a trans woman). They want a dress and they want to parade around with feathers like that guy. Which is fine. Hell i used to pretend i was Chun-Li from street fighter and do lunge kicks at my buddy playing e-honda on the trampoline. I did that, naturally, without even being introduced all this stuff, and let them be kids. when ppL start trying to introduce concepts, like ideology identity and all that stuff to kids, then of course they likely will start thinking on that stuff early even before puberty and they don’t need to. It may not be with a malicious intent, but you just programed someone else’s child giving them information that wasn’t your place to give them. They do it on their own in their own timeframe trying to accelerate it in someone else’s child is just wrong. Adults the bad ones and there are a lot of bad ones are aware of how impressionable children are. The world isn’t majorally full of good, honorable and honest people as I’m sure you have observed, it’s quite the opposite. That’s why we tear up when we see a video on YouTube of a kind hearted person stopping someone from hurting themselves or others, by just being human... because it’s actually a rare thing to witness so it touches us. then I see teachers doing videos _saying that they’re talking to their first grade kids about this and they’re not sharing the information or even that they had a discussion with the parents ,they’re hiding it, and that makes me scowl and raise my eyebrow. There are more reasons that are suspect or Not noble in doing that, than good reasons. Namely, because it was the teacher who brought all this crap up in the first place the kids were supposed to be learning their times tables… let’s say it’s not grooming or recruiting at that point then it’s trying to get validation from innocent minds that aren’t going to judge and criticize harshly. That’s not the place of a teacher. That’s not their job. That’s what therapy and group meetings are for. It doesn’t come down to. I don’t want my kid to be that when it comes down to is I don’t want my kid to be that when it wasn’t 100% their own idea. Maybe with some parents it is the first one but far less than it is the other day. I’m sorry for how long as it is I don’t have time to proofread it. My phone is dying I don’t wanna lose it.


NomadicJellyfish t1_j4wt482 wrote

>you just programed someone else’s child giving them information that wasn’t your place to give them

>let’s say it’s not grooming or recruiting at that point then it’s trying to get validation from innocent minds that aren’t going to judge and criticize harshly.

And there it is. Acknowledging the existence of lgbtq people isn't recruiting any more than having a book where a man and a woman kiss is grooming. Either come right out and say you believe being gay is a choice, or admit that hiding the existence of lgbtq people from children is ridiculous.


Justbe333 t1_j4wpqqf wrote

Goddamnit just fucking read it and don’t be lazy. I went through all that trouble for a damn good reason.


adrianmakedonski t1_j4wqcc0 wrote

...I did though


Justbe333 t1_j4wqm8b wrote

and THATS what you took from it?!


adrianmakedonski t1_j4wr2qj wrote

Yeah. Kids don't become trans because they are made aware of the possibility. I knew I didn't want to be a boy from like age 6. Nobody indoctrinated me, in fact it was quite the opposite from my parents. (You know, parents, the people you're suggesting should teach their kids about this kind of stuff)


Justbe333 t1_j4wsasc wrote

Not only are you not qualified to make that claim, nor is there adequate research data to do so regardless ____you’re lying or incorrect. Yes, they absolutely -do. Maybe not all of them you got your kids who are going to go ‘ewww no way’. The ones who will go ‘I look fabulous don’t’ and then you’ve got your kids that OK well ‘I don’t know maybe wouldnt hurt to think about it’ and that’s the ones right there. Those are the kids you would be hitting and don’t you sit there and say it doesn’t happen. if you want to contest that they don’t ….then why don’t you explain what DEtransitioning is all about, because I’ve heard it from a bunch of people who have DEtransitioned, they get exiled from your ‘army of equality’ so maybe you don’t hear from them very often because you’re not looking for them. but I would like to hear your perspective.


adrianmakedonski t1_j4wt6rx wrote

I looked for them for years because I wanted to understand their side. Most of the time, they detransition because of their societal setting. They live in a very conservative area and don't pass as the gender they want to be perceived as, so they get hate every day. They can either leave or detransition and oftentimes, leaving is harder. I feel so bad for those people.

Have you looked up the percentage of detransitioning people? Last I checked it was like less than 1-3% and again, a majority are because of the people around them being shitty.


Justbe333 t1_j4wymtl wrote

That is pure nonsense. Why don’t you do some YouTubeing in the wild. You don’t wanna hear my takes on it you won’t listen anyway, so why don’t you hear it from them make it a task this year question one of your own perspective by listening to people in your own clique, or rather who used to be I haven’t come across a single one that said they had to detransition because of their “ conservative” family that sounds like some thing the LGBTQ would claim to further shit on people who don’t go along with every single thing that they say is


adrianmakedonski t1_j4x1j8z wrote

What is nonsense? Can you please show me what you're talking about??

Also, why restrict knowledge in the off chance that 1% of trans people detransition? Of like the 0.5% of humans in general that are trans?


Justbe333 t1_j4x5k2m wrote

The bulk of people de transition, because of conservative family, that that is, what’s nonsense
No, .005% of Americans identify as trans. If you want me to be generous .006.


adrianmakedonski t1_j4x75z0 wrote

Please please please proofread your comments. They're unintelligible sometimes.

Are you saying that most trans people detransition? Or that most trans people with conservative families detransition? I literally can't understand you.

Fine, my numbers were off.


Justbe333 t1_j4x9w3e wrote

I was saying, the reason people de transition cannot be mostly due to a conservative family that made them do it, or gave them little choice… I cannot believe that for two reasons

  1. it just sounds like an LGBT talking point to stir up shit and there’s so many of those and many are beyond lazy and angering.
  2. If they were in a conservative household, they wouldn’t have had the possibility of transitioning in the first place. And knowing where they live, snd who their parents are , they would have known that before even trying.

Just so we’re on the same page De-transitioning would be qualified as —- I got the surgery and/or I took the hormones long enough to have permanent or long-term changes. Not simply “I changed my mind” or have to wait


adrianmakedonski t1_j4xa52i wrote

It can sound however it sounds, it's true. You literally don't know what you're talking about and therefore, this conversation is over. When you're ready to open your mind to actual trans experiences from actual trans people (not the hypothetical trans people that fill your scenarios), I'll be here ready to talk.


Justbe333 t1_j4xdszq wrote

More of a free-mind than an open one, but it’s open just not SO open that my brains slip out.. I think I’ll pass. But final thought. if you actually have gender dysphoria, i think you’re gonna realize that ALOT of your trans buddies ,don’t …and those of the people I was referring to as far as being ‘influential’. there’s evidence now, but not enough for it to be beyond refute. May be years down the line, but I think it’ll shine its light . And that’s not a cis opinion, or from my mind, itsthe opinion of a transwoman -that I happen to agree with. Take care.