soldforaspaceship t1_j4xa0kp wrote
Reply to comment by Justbe333 in Tucker Carlson guest dresses as trans teacher with giant prosthetic breasts to ridicule Ontario school drama by Downingst
Fox News as a source of truth. The same Fox News that had to defend itself in court using the defence no one rational would think it was any other other than entertainment? The same Fox News currently in court for defamation for, checks notes, lies?
Justbe333 t1_j4xa3r5 wrote
Gotta love the projection… That was CNN with Rachel Maddow you stupid fucker
soldforaspaceship t1_j4xdkdi wrote
Here's another one just in case you are as stupid as you seem.
Justbe333 t1_j4xejrx wrote
I’ll read it in a little while I tapped it, I’ll get back. I’m so pissed right now I need to go destroy something. I don’t have high hopes for the credibility though it’s from the dailybeast, I remember them from the Johnny Depp amber heard trial… and what part of every other MSM was i unclear about lying constantly? Tbc
soldforaspaceship t1_j4xyico wrote
Dude. You're so pissed right now you need to go destroy something? That's not healthy. Please talk to someone. Joking aside, that's not great.
Justbe333 t1_j6nyphi wrote
In case you’re too stupid, I should point out to you… people lie. You should consider all sources before determining your facts. Just so’z you don’t be a dumb ass or a sheep.
soldforaspaceship t1_j6o2rjx wrote
The projection is strong in this one lol.
[deleted] t1_j6obyiy wrote
soldforaspaceship t1_j4xd4gp wrote
You sure? You really really sure?
Justbe333 t1_j6n2zgv wrote
Yes, actually I’m sure. And that’s actually not with the court said… in fact, I’m pretty sure the courts said the same thing in both cases, the court ruled that his statement in question would be considered opinion and not fact not that everything he says is opinion, and not fact. But that a reasonable person would not assume a hyperbolic statement was 100% fact.
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