
soldforaspaceship t1_jdct7bi wrote

I said I suspect most of Bing's revenue comes from China. Given that they have 14% market share in China and 6% in the US, that wasn't a bad suspusion. Every analysis shows China uses Bing more than the US does. I'm not sure where you're looking but since the person posted the 14% thing I've not found anything to support your points.

I'm also not sure why this is your hill to die on. I'm speaking about my experience in China. If your experience there was difference fair enough.


soldforaspaceship t1_jbzc4yf wrote

You know what the victims of the Holocaust might have liked? Someone calling out dehumanizing language before the Holocaust happened. They would have liked it to never get that far. They wouldn't have liked people pretending everything is OK.

Do you know how I know this? Because an actual Holocaust survivor called out the exact same thing.


soldforaspaceship t1_jbzbp4i wrote

Do you think laughing at your own jokes makes you sound smarter? It doesn't.

The point they are making is that the BBC had no issue when Linekar criticized Qatar. Or when he criticized Corbyn. So it is exposing a bias at the BBC.

Conservatives is a term given to mean supporters of the Conservative party.

You seemed very confused so I hope that cleared it all up for you.