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Kaiju_Cat t1_j4zw179 wrote

If they kept serving her after she was already drunk then that is actually largely on them for what happened as a result. Not saying that it eliminates her responsibility entirely. But if you're drunk, you are objectively not in a state to make any kind of reasonable decision. That's kind of why there are laws everywhere that put a legal burden on an establishment not to serve people like that.

I work very briefly in the food industry and asides from washing their hands this is one of the number one things they drive into your head. Businesses that are licensed to serve alcohol take this stuff extremely seriously for good reason. The legal liability is huge.

People have kind of gotten to the point where alcohol gets treated like it's harmless. It's not. It's actually not. It's a mind-altering substance. It's fine if used responsibly! But part of the responsibility is that whomever is providing it needs to also be responsible.


TheFirstUranium t1_j50t615 wrote

Those laws were put into effect right after prohibition. They create extremely broad liability where there's often little or no control.

And God forbid someone face the consequences of their own actions.


Kaiju_Cat t1_j50ulkt wrote

People who continue to serve someone who is in no condition to make a rational judgment alcohol for the purpose of profit deserve to be held liable for their grossly negligent actions. People like you pretend like that also somehow means that the person who drank the alcohol is now completely absolved of all responsibility.

No. Everyone involved was at fault to some degree. It's up to the courts to figure out exactly where that fault lies. A lot of people go through life thinking that fault is some kind of 100% 0% fault lies. A lot of people go through life thinking that fault is some kind of 100% 0% game.

And that's an absurdly childish and uselessly simplistic way of looking at things in a situation like this.

People hear that a company might be liable for gross negligence and they like to puff up their chest and act all self-righteous and loudly declare that no one is held responsible for their own actions anymore and it's just the dumbest shit.



happygobeepbeep t1_j5eoesw wrote

You sound like someone who's never been in a bar before. What you're suggesting basically would require a polygraph of all customers without sober company after 2 beers, maybe even one. Some people take medications such that they get drunk off a single beer. Guess the bartender is supposed to know that through omniscience on your view?

Forget a bar, I dunno if youve been off reddit and in the real world ever.