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StuffinYrMuffinR t1_j6b1ssr wrote

So if you accidentally grabbed a diet coke instead of a normal coke, you think it's cokes fault you can't read?


DJWGibson t1_j6b8ec8 wrote

Diet Coke, Coke, Caffeine Free Coke, and Coke Zero all have very different colour schemes on their label for that reason.

If someone tried to grab a Diet Coke or Caffeine-Free Coke and instead got a full sugar and full caffeine Coke that could be problematic for someone with diabetes or an allergy.

Selling an alcohol-free drink at alcoholic drink prices in a bottle that almost exactly look like the whiskey bottle ( feels like a scam.


jtoppan t1_j6bhfy6 wrote

It’s not alcohol free. It’s just half strength malt liquor, rather than whiskey.


NerdyToc t1_j6brw7t wrote

So you agree, it looks the exact same as the whisky bottles, but it doesn't contain whisky.

Or, to use your coke analogy, it looks identical to a coke bottle, but the ingredients say it contains aspratame instead of sugar.