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movingtobay2019 t1_j6uxgwh wrote

And what the fuck do you think happens when their asylum case is denied, as is the case the vast majority of time? They just get up and leave?

NYC is seeing first hand why fiscal reality > feelings. Hopefully the bleeding hearts wake the fuck up but I am not holding my breath.


wefarrell t1_j6vc01p wrote

Well yeah, if they face death back home then they probably won't return and I don't blame them. Either way they didn't enter illegally, they're not here illegally and they've followed the legal asylum process.


koreamax t1_j6w332s wrote

It's kinda funny how much dehumanizing people do that are defending this, without even knowing. Assuming that all of them are from warzones and are only safe in the US.

There's a reason so many towns in Central America have so few men. They all come here to make money to send to their family. That's fine, but if the situation was really that dire, they wouldn't leave their children there.


nybx4life t1_j6xab0y wrote

Safer to risk one than the whole family I assume.