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chug84 t1_j9q62px wrote


cantcountnoaccount t1_j9qm41d wrote

You sound mad bro.


chug84 t1_j9qwql2 wrote

Quite the contrary. I find it comical that clowns like you always suggest that civil servants are living the highlife, have the best medical insurance known to mankind, have the fattest pensions, etc. If you think they have it so good and all retire by 38, why not take the test and join them? Answer is you're either too dumb to pass the test and/or don't have the balls to do what they do.


cantcountnoaccount t1_j9r5709 wrote

If you donโ€™t understand the benefits are factually incredible, I suggest you stock shelves at Target for 20 years and see what it gets you.