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BasedAlliance935 t1_j95199j wrote

You also have to consider that he was an animal living in captivity now out in the wild, wouldn't that negatively effect his chances at survival (especially considering nyc isn't really the most forrested city)


scorr204 t1_j951eg2 wrote

No because if you have been following any of the news around him, he is finding an absolute abundance of prey in central park. If anything he might get overweight. Owls can live almost anywhere there are small critters.


House_Boat_Mom t1_j95nos0 wrote

Who knew we just needed some owls to deal with these rats


Aviri t1_j95nvzm wrote

But what will we do once the owl population explodes?


House_Boat_Mom t1_j966vvz wrote

Nothing? Let them eat the rats and eventually there will be some natural balance.


Lovis_Iovis t1_j95rxtc wrote

NYC already has native owls and hawks that eat rats. This eagle owl is a threat to those native rat killers. Eurasian eagle owls regularly kill and eat other birds of prey in their native range, and there is no reason to suspect it won’t do the same here.


FernwehForLife t1_j962wjc wrote

This is not correct. There is a concern. If there wasn't, they wouldn't be attempting to retrieve the owl.


FernwehForLife t1_j962ih0 wrote

You're correct. As someone with some insider info on the owl, there is certainly a concern. And the owl may be fine if it stays in the park, but it could be detrimental if it attempts to leave, not being used to a city environment.