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queensnyatty t1_j74a245 wrote

What about the other people paying $7000 that don’t want to have to interact with an animal in their own home.

Pet people are the worst.


lex958 t1_j760ju7 wrote

Same with kids right? If only there were pet free apartment buildings.. oh wait. Also it’s not their “own home” that would be inside their own apartment, not the shared building ;)


queensnyatty t1_j76992y wrote

The fact that pet people are so delusional as to not understand the difference between an animal and a person is exactly what I’m talking about.

Get the help you obviously need.


lex958 t1_j769j8r wrote

Ohhhhh you’re the annoying neighbor with the screaming child, I totally get your frustration with dogs now /s lmao


queensnyatty t1_j76a1e0 wrote


cat_bunny t1_j76cei7 wrote

This is a phenomenal resource for overworked and tired mothers such as yourself who seem to think you’re better than others because you chose a cream pie over a dog.


lex958 t1_j76elu7 wrote

Or fathers! Anyone who chose to creampie or be creampied and create a screaming nuisance;)


lex958 t1_j76a4hq wrote

You should use it! :) love that you know where to get support for your entitlement and fear of dogs


lex958 t1_j769dmx wrote

Move to an apartment that doesn’t allow pets if you hate them so much. It’s a whole apartment building, it’s not your “own home”


cat_bunny t1_j76cfxp wrote

Better yet, buy a house and make your own rules!!


queensnyatty t1_j779wj5 wrote

I did move to such a building, but as I’m sure you and catlady are well aware, the severely mentally ill don’t have to follow the same rules as the rest of us.


lex958 t1_j77adoj wrote

Oh and you have a problem with the ADA and those who qualify under it? Bad take, my guy. Keep digging that hole of yours though.


queensnyatty t1_j77am96 wrote

I’m all for people like you getting the help you need, in fact I think we should reopen the state hospitals.


lex958 t1_j77avez wrote

What’s with the name calling? You just really be pressed and upset about this. Seriously, it’s nothing to be ashamed of if you need to reach out to that site.


Wild7878 t1_j76h52k wrote

Yes, kids and dogs are equally bad


Black-n-GoldBleeder t1_j76zxhl wrote

But yet my son bathes himself, and pisses and shits in a toilet. He also doesn’t make my entire house smell. Try again.


Daurdabla t1_j7bbtej wrote

Lol, trust me, your house smells, you’re just used to it. Also, I’m positive your son pisses himself and shit in his pants at a certain point.


lex958 t1_j76h916 wrote

Yeah there aren’t kid-free apartments though


Black-n-GoldBleeder t1_j76yiq5 wrote

Dogs are not kids.

The fact is a lot of people find having dogs indoors nasty. I’m one of them. To each their own, but I can’t stand being around them. I don’t want them brushing on my leg, leaving me to smell like dog. Or even worse, licking me or my kid. And my wife is allergic. To each their own. I get that people love them, and I’m ok with that. Thankfully we can avoid them for the most part, as they are not in many public spaces here. And our dog owners friends know this, so they keep them away when we go there. Obviously that’s not expected and we’re grateful, but the fact remains that we probably wouldn’t be visiting anywhere where we’d get molested by their house animals.

The point is that I’d be pissed if I chose an expensive place to live, specifically because of their strict animal policies, just to have them changed by an entitled dog owner that knew the rules of the building when he moved in


lex958 t1_j760upd wrote

Rent a house if you want to be picky about who and what you interact with


yankee100 t1_j766g38 wrote

And rent an apartment that doesn’t have rules about your dog if that is an issue for you.


lex958 t1_j766n9o wrote

Everyone has the right to pick the apartment with the rules they wish. Calling the entire apartment building “their own home” is pure entitlement though.


cat_bunny t1_j76c8lj wrote

So a child is better than a silent cat? You’re the worst kind of neighbor. An apartment is A PART of a building and you have no right having any in anyone else’s apartment. You need to get out of the city if you want a HOUSE that you actually own instead of renting with 8 million other people within 10 miles of you. Get over yourself and keep your crotch goblin to yourself.


lex958 t1_j76epg9 wrote

I still can’t get over the “their own home” comment lmao


Black-n-GoldBleeder t1_j770iu6 wrote

We’re literally talking about having animals in public spaces in a building though. To some, indoor pets are disgusting and they purposely may seek out a building with strict animal policies regarding to public spaces. How is it fair to them if these policies are suddenly changed to suit a very vocal, very entitled animal owner?


[deleted] t1_j77awmm wrote



phoenixmatrix t1_j7droa1 wrote

>Children are JUST as disgusting and I could argue that they should be banned from certain buildings too

That's a strawman if I've ever seen one. I'm no fan of kids myself, but society has considered them a special case for just about every rules since times immemorial, in virtually every country. I'd love to have more childfree spaces, but comparing kids to pets is just silly.


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76i320 wrote

You were a screaming crotch goblin at one point in your life

Remember that


cat_bunny t1_j76i7hd wrote

Actually I was a scarily quiet child. The point that my cat is silent and I can hear my downstairs neighbors child screaming every day before going to school still stands. Knock it off, y’all are insufferable.


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76ib38 wrote

Hmm, silent babies are usually an indicator of mental illness

Makes a lot of sense


cat_bunny t1_j76idzm wrote

Yeah I’m sure that the mother ignoring their screaming child won’t lead to any detriment.


Black-n-GoldBleeder t1_j77103g wrote

Yeah but your silent cat sheds all over your apartment and makes the place smell like piss. You don’t notice it because you live in the filth. I’ll take a crying child for a year any day all day.


cat_bunny t1_j77al96 wrote

Nope, litter robot and a vacuum cleaner makes a world of difference. Sorry that your experience with animals was so horrific. I bet you think children are gods gift instead of what they are: small humans that we make on accident.


Black-n-GoldBleeder t1_j79m0gh wrote

Yeah, no. Pretty sure your apartment still smells like cat piss. But that’s cool, it’s your place, not mine. To each their own.

Not sure how children could be god’s gift… there is no god.


lex958 t1_j76ihe2 wrote

And realized how terrible they were and chose to not make that mistake again? Lmao what’s your point?


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76inzd wrote

The point is babies scream, and we were all babies at one point

Reproduction is natural and a key aspect of keeping society alive. If you’re so against something that’s the fabric of society and humanity maybe you should go to Antarctica


lex958 t1_j76itpt wrote

There are plenty of children waiting to be adopted. I think I’ll just adopt and stay here, thanks though.

Dogs are also a natural part of life and living in the city, get used to it or leave :)


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76j0m3 wrote

Lol yeah breaking news everyone, adopted babies don’t scream

I never once complained about dogs, I think it’s possible to support both without putting another one down. And I’m actually from New York, so no I don’t think I’ll leave. I inherited a sweet rent stabilized apartment from a family member, my rent is 1100 for a studio in Manhattan. So yeah I’m gonna stick around for a long time


lex958 t1_j76j6d4 wrote

Why would I adopt a baby? I said a child, probably older because you know it’s mostly older children in foster care right? Not like you care about them, just about having your own.


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76jabz wrote

I actually don’t want kids, I’m just not a selfish prick who thinks I’m entitled to living in a city of 9 million and not having to deal with babies


lex958 t1_j76jexr wrote

I’m just making the comparison to dogs. I never said I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with them.


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76jihq wrote

Yeah, it’s not an apt comparison


lex958 t1_j76jm52 wrote

They’re both here and part of life, get over it. Pretty apt comparison.


queensnyatty t1_j76g44v wrote

Thanks for doing your part for the gene pool.


lex958 t1_j76gma0 wrote

At least I know what “apartment” means


cat_bunny t1_j76g8ll wrote

And god help us for yours :) isn’t it the sabbath? Is Reddit even allowed? Or does the Eruv make it accessible today? Sure seems like a lot of work to be so… yourself so early in the morning.


LouisSeize t1_j77buqr wrote

What in the hell does anyone's religious observance (or lack thereof) have to do with this thread?


jay5627 t1_j76pgwm wrote

Buildings where people own the apartments, often times have similar rules