
queensnyatty t1_jdvgzra wrote

The 2nd Ave subway stops are way way bigger than they need to be. Not just longer but a whole pointless mezzanine level.

It’s like someone wanted to go into cathedral architecture but got stuck with designing subway stations.


queensnyatty t1_j7jskos wrote

So how come the bosses (aka voters) have to pay for parking and the workers park wherever they want? How does that fit into your neat, little theory of the world?


queensnyatty t1_j7g71yr wrote

So you’re saying you’ll happily suck off the public teat but the second it’s convenient for you, all of a sudden you’re Henry David Thoreau.

I got it, your values are whatever is best for you in the moment. Lots of people like that.


queensnyatty t1_j7g6btl wrote

One is legal and the other is illegal. That’s the difference.

If you are some kind of law doesn’t matter anarchist, what are you doing in a government job in the first place?


queensnyatty t1_j7fl1p5 wrote

The air traffic controllers went on strike even though it was illegal to go out on strike. Ronald Reagan fired all of them for cause and brought in the national guard to control air traffic while new ones were being trained.

Elect politicians that will take open defiance of the law by public servants seriously and the problem will get solved. Don’t and it won’t.


queensnyatty t1_j779wj5 wrote

I did move to such a building, but as I’m sure you and catlady are well aware, the severely mentally ill don’t have to follow the same rules as the rest of us.


queensnyatty t1_j76992y wrote

The fact that pet people are so delusional as to not understand the difference between an animal and a person is exactly what I’m talking about.

Get the help you obviously need.