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MandatoryDissent55 t1_j9cgl6n wrote

Sorry, everybody. False alarm. Never mind. Go about your business. It was just an American Flag.


Messipus t1_j9dnbmq wrote

Correct, according to flag code burning the American flag is the correct way to dispose of it.

Before you say something stupid, there is no flag code for pride flags.


froggythefish t1_j9cwhu4 wrote

It’s okay to burn the US flag, because the US flag represents hundreds of millions of murders

It’s not okay to burn the pride flag, because the pride flag does not represent hundreds of millions of murders


Shawn_NYC t1_j9d3qox wrote

It's both a crime to burn your neighbor's American flag and your neighbor's pride flag. Both are illiegal arson.

If you were to legally purchase a pride flag or an American flag and burn it yourself that would be legal in both instances.


froggythefish t1_j9d4bzm wrote

Laws and morals are separate things. Just because it’s illegal to burn your neighbors genocide flag, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

And just because it’s legal to burn your own anti-genocide flag, doesn’t mean it’s right
