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MandatoryDissent55 t1_j9cnomk wrote

Is burning a flag arson and a hate crime now?


[deleted] t1_j9cntli wrote



MandatoryDissent55 t1_j9co28i wrote

That's fascinating. A lot of flags were burned in public recently. Can't wait to see which ones were arson, and which ones were free speech.


clean-sheets- t1_j9cozdn wrote

Purchase a flag of your very own and burn it: free speech
Burn someone else’s flag that is attached to a building which could have also caught fire: arson

I hope you’re trolling and not actually this regarded


MandatoryDissent55 t1_j9cp9fy wrote

There are literally hundreds of cases... HUNDREDS. OF. CASES... in which burning somebody else's American Flag has been declared "free speech" in the last 60 years, and only related to property damage and not a hate crime. You don't get to change the rules now.


uppernycghost t1_j9csrtb wrote

Trump lost grandpa. Back to the nursing home, you're getting neurotic again.


clean-sheets- t1_j9cqa8d wrote

Care to share? If you have three examples my mind will be changed, I searched and couldn’t find one of those hundreds


Dont_Hate_The_Player t1_j9coylu wrote

I’m sure that depends on who the flag belongs to. Burning a shops flag that leads to damage to the shop itself? Definitely arson.


Bagel_Boy29 t1_j9co086 wrote

Pleas explain to me how burning a flag representing the LGBT community, a minority group that is still discriminated against in the majority of states in US, is not a hate crime.


MandatoryDissent55 t1_j9cog2t wrote

>The LGBT community
>In that country where nobody is allowed to throw us off a roof
>But fuck that country's flag compared to OURS!

Either burning a flag isn't a crime, or it is.


Disco_Dreamz t1_j9cua19 wrote

Don’t become a lawyer, friendo. Apparently the concept of “context” is entirely foreign to you.