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AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j9gcx2w wrote

Holy crap. What's the hurry?

They spent all this time and money getting this stuff now they're just going to dump it?

This couldn't be warehoused for a few years to be prepared for the next time?


Productpusher t1_j9gyehn wrote

Virtually all of it has expiration dates and many are probably enough to last way past those dates .

Tri state warehouse space is most expensive in America


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j9h1lw1 wrote

I highly doubt much of it has any expiration date that have passed. Feel free to prove me wrong.

NY is a big state, it's not as if much cheaper space couldn't be had elsewhere in NY.


chengjih t1_j9hqq6i wrote

The article actually gave an example of sanitizing wipes that expired on January 31.

Agreed, some of the stuff they're selling is don't have expiry dates, like disposal gowns. But some of the other stuff is literally junk sold to the City for exorbitant prices, like uncertified "N95" masks and the article lead-in "bridge vents" which were ever used and will never be used, as they're not actual medical devices, but rather something built by amatuers thinking this is how it ventilators work.


froginbog t1_j9io9sy wrote

All of the PPE has expiration dates, including N95s


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j9iozkk wrote

So what's your point?

It's not possible any of that PPE is expired in such a short timeframe. N-95s easily last for years.


sulaymanf t1_j9ipvwk wrote

N95s are not sterile. Sterile supplies do expire.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j9irjkk wrote

I see, and they have a shelf life of 3 days? Thanks for clearing that up.

TIL that n95 masks don't last very long.


sulaymanf t1_j9irwy7 wrote

Not sure why you’re being snarky when this is an obvious fact to anyone who works in healthcare. Any sterile supplies have an expiration date as that is when the manufacturer can no longer guarantee sterility. Everything from sutures to surgical scissors to sterile gauze has an expiration date attached. They’re usually good for years, but now we are approaching 3 years from the start of Covid and stuff is starting to expire. Non-disposable equipment like clamps and scissors can be autoclaved or otherwise disinfected but all the disposable supplies are expiring and can no longer be safely used due to strict safety regulations.

n95 masks and face shields and smocks are not sterile and as such they don’t have expiration dates. They are meant to be single used and then disposed. But this article is not talking about PPE so I’m not sure why you keep bringing it up.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j9isn4p wrote

Why? Because I never said they don't have an expiration date and you completely ignored the point

People worked in the same masks and other PPE for weeks because they couldn't get replacements. "Starting to expire" is nonsense. Everything that has an expiration date is starting to expire, but why would you get rid of it before it is?


sulaymanf t1_j9it6bv wrote

Let me explain it again; the article is about medical supplies expiring. All you are talking about is PPE even though it’s not what the article is talking about. Go back and read it again.

> People worked in the same masks and other PPE for weeks because they couldn’t get replacements.

Yes I was one of them on the front lines. It’s not advisable but it was all we had, there wasn’t good data on how well protection lasted after more than 10 hours of use which is why they were replaced regularly under normal conditions. We made do by adding layers like a surgical mask on top of the n95.

> Everything that has an expiration date is starting to expire, but why would you get rid of it before it is?

Because we don’t like putting stuff about to imminently expire on the shelf next to stuff that won’t; people grab the wrong one too often. That’s partly why CVS won’t keep any prescription meds on their shelves that will expire in less than 2 months, to avoid them getting mixed in and sold with pills that won’t expire for longer.


froginbog t1_j9k2i62 wrote

There’s a limited time for them to recoup any costs. They clearly had more than they thought they needed and the market is clearly flooded because of the expiration in 5 years etc


Unique_Bunch t1_j9gnkf5 wrote

Maybe storing depreciating equipment in the most expensive real estate in the country isn't the brilliant business move you seem to think it is


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j9h39xo wrote

Maybe making wrong assumptions isn't something you should be snarky about.

If only there were other places, like an hour or two away that had plenty of space that doesn't cost a fortune?

Whatever, it's going to come out that all of this shit was resold for 20x what they paid for it.


Somenakedguy t1_j9hex7k wrote

What are the logistics of getting all of this equipment to a storage facility hours away and then actually getting it back when needed, while being hours away, on top of the storage costs?

It’s a sunk cost and in all likelihood auctioning it off was the most efficient way to get rid of equipment they had no use for and no realistic and cost effective way to store. It’s unfortunate that the money was wasted but if the virus had been deadlier than it was in reality it all would’ve been needed. It made sense with the information we had at the time


Unique_Bunch t1_j9ib6r4 wrote

hahahaha. yeah, I'm the one making assumptions here.

if you think you can make a profit off this then go ahead and bid on some surplus covid medical equipment. hire some truckers in the middle of a logistical and real estate crisis and sell it for profit in 5 years!


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j9iqs3o wrote

Hurrrrr durrrr, go make da profit.

Yeah I guess you forget the utter chaos that ensued when the city was caught flat footed and couldn't get supplies at the start of the pandemic.

It's fucking hilarious seeing all the penny punching bean counters come out of the woodwork, as if the cost of storing this stuff is an unaffordable burden compared to the mess we just went through because we didn't have it.

People never learn. Lol.


Unique_Bunch t1_j9ks78q wrote

Did you forget to switch accounts or something? How does this work with your first comment?


lantonas t1_j9iprsi wrote

Because we discovered that ventilators kill people.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j9iq3mz wrote

You spelled COVID wrong.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j9irt9y wrote

You still spelled COVID wrong.

I know all about the ventilators, I read the news 2 years ago when they were rethinking how to treat patients.


lantonas t1_j9is1cm wrote

Three years ago. Literally weeks into the lockdown. April 2020 (some) people knew that ventilators were killing people.

It's a good thing these ventilators were never used, they only would have killed more people.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j9isqi4 wrote

You spelled COVID wrong again.


lantonas t1_j9it8vr wrote

Instead of scraping these ventilators, they should have started giving them out free to people like you with a positive test result.