Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j7it14v wrote
What a bunch of babies. “No one wants to be a firefighter” what? That’s one of the most desirable jobs in the city. $100,000 a year with no special training required to get hired and you get to be a literal hero. All the benefits cops get with none of the hate.
Grass8989 t1_j7itvum wrote
You have to score extremely highly on the test to get called and then pass the CPaT to get hired. Then you have to go through and pass the academy which isn’t a cakewalk by any stretch of the imagination. I wouldn’t call that “no special training”.
This27that t1_j7r0t15 wrote
That training comes after you get hired. You need no special training to get hired, at which point you will be given the special training.
Many departments in other parts of the country require you to be fully trained before they even consider you for employment.
Grass8989 t1_j7r4w9i wrote
Right but the cPat is pass or fail, you get one practice and one actual run at it. I’m sure in the departments that require you to have the training before hand you have a lot more chances of passing the required training.
This27that t1_j7rxzqv wrote
In the departments that require you to have training beforehand, they don’t give you any training (other than orientation, etc, that you’d get in any job). I think the OP’s “no special training” just meant no training in firefighting or having to know anything about the job.
The CPAT can be tough but if you’re physically fit, anyone can pass it. You don’t need to know firefighting stuff. They tell you what to do.
Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j7ivqfx wrote
My brother doesn’t have a full college degree and was processing for FDNY. He rescinded his application after passing their physical tests. Scoring high on a test doesn’t require particularly high intelligence it just requires planning and time management
Grass8989 t1_j7j2t0l wrote
If you mess up on 1 question you risk the chance of not scoring high enough on the test to get called.
doodle77 t1_j7kdpfn wrote
That just means it's one of the most desirable jobs, since they call people in score order. It says nothing about the difficulty or appropriateness of the test.
jay5627 t1_j7kh0r5 wrote
The test is a screener. You learn a lot in training. It's not a hard concept to grasp
AgainstMedicalAdvice t1_j7kwepn wrote
Don't you get paid during fire academy?
I think he's saying it requires no special schooling to apply for the job. You don't need a graduate/masters/anything.... And any education/experience people do have is just a result of the applicant pool being so competitive.
In short: he's absolutely right.
jay5627 t1_j7l0od9 wrote
That's fair
doodle77 t1_j7klsur wrote
And if the screener was pass/fail rather than calling people in score order, we'd have more candidates than we could possibly train. It's a very desirable job and it doesn't take any special experience or education to be called for training.
[deleted] t1_j7ixabf wrote
Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j7kna8m wrote
....And you get to run into burning buildings. 343 of them were slaughtered on 9/11. You insult their memory and legacy with such puerile jive.
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