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colourcodedcandy t1_j7viv44 wrote

Well the city can't be highly coveted and the center of everything and be cheap at the same time -- it's expensive because so many people want to live there and there is little supply


101ina45 t1_j7w1vgr wrote

I don't disagree. Why we need to work on increasing supply.

I can afford it, but it shouldn't take what I make to live here.


ChornWork2 t1_j7w2k6u wrote

Supply is the issue. Need to streamline zoning rules and facilitate more construction.


[deleted] t1_j7wezjk wrote



[deleted] t1_j7wr1bi wrote

In what world is housing cheap in Tokyo and Seoul? Both markets are more expensive per square feet to buy than nyc. Rent is sort of cheaper there because there’s extreme stigma against renting and people own for the sake of owning. Adjust the rent prices to local salary as well in both cities and it’s still miserable.