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mojorisin622 t1_j9vubzs wrote

If the city took your house, that you just rebuilt 10 years ago, and was a perfectly fine house, would you sue and make the city build you a new one?


Pool_Shark t1_j9xbygp wrote

Yeah and I’d lose


mojorisin622 t1_j9xf2ek wrote

That's because you won't have an army of high priced lawyers working on your behalf. You can get away with eminent domain with a regular joe's home, but when you start messing with billion dollar corporations, you're going to lose.


Rottimer t1_j9yrss1 wrote

The city granted you a permit to build what you want on this land, but only for X years. You chose to build a house and now want to pretend that the permit wasn't temporary. Everyone will spend money on lawyers, but in the end, you had full knowledge of the situation when building the house.