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ehsurfskate t1_j9a9zln wrote

My prediction is that NYC will have the staying power for young people but will lose some for the 45-65 crowd who are already established and looking for a lifestyle arbitrage of living somewhere that has a lower cost of living and working remote most of the time.

For younger people my guess is the NYC draw of things to do, places to eat and experience, the potential of finding a mate and friends and the ability to build their network will persist.


ironichaos t1_j9aes3x wrote

Yeah I think that’s a good prediction. Only time will tell though.


General-Silver-4004 t1_j9d7zxp wrote

You assume young people know they want all that.

When I was in my twenties it took a massive pay raise to convince me to leave the woods which eventually lead to trying new foods, finding a spouse, and having fun (while wasting money on rent).