Submitted by BronxTimes t3_11heuk1 in nyc

The Bronx Defenders have filed two separate lawsuits against the NYPD and New York City alleging a pattern of racist police misconduct toward Black and brown New Yorkers, including one lawsuit against the Bronx Narcotics Unit, a unit for which the city paid out roughly $23 million in misconduct claims over the last decade.

Both cases were filed on Feb. 28 in the U.S. Southern District Court, and according to the Bronx Defenders, are case in point of the NYPD and the city allowing “a brushfire of racist misconduct to continue to burn.” Each lawsuit is seeking punitive damages to be determined at a jury trial.

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drpvn t1_jawe3ki wrote

Ah, the Bronx Defenders, the public safety arsonists who filed an amicus brief urging SCOTUS to invalidate New York’s gun law in Bruen.


George4Mayor86 t1_jawranq wrote

People misunderstand what public defenders are for when they think they have any interest in public safety. They have one (1) job and it’s to help accused criminals get away with it.


DryGumby t1_jawxnxe wrote

> accused criminals get away with it.

Because everyone knows once you're accused, you have something to get away with


George4Mayor86 t1_jawy9hc wrote

Not necessarily, but the job of the defender is exactly the same whether their client did it or not.


DryGumby t1_jawyxzm wrote

What would an innocent person be getting away with? This is why you're incorrect. You admit that they defend both and imply that they do not.


George4Mayor86 t1_jawzh59 wrote

They’re job is to get people accused of crimes off. They don’t care if their clients are guilty or not, so any rule that makes it easier to get away with crimes is good for them.


DryGumby t1_jawzs6q wrote

Any rule like the right to an attorney? Unfortunately for you an accusation doesn't terminate your civil rights.


George4Mayor86 t1_jawzx71 wrote

I’m not saying this is a bad thing. They’re a ne essay part of the legal system. But people are barking up the wrong tree if they think “this law will help criminals get away with gun crimes” is something defenders would care about.


DryGumby t1_jax0gb0 wrote

You're not saying it you're just implying it. The one job of public defender's is not to help "accused criminals" get away with it, it's to defend the rights of the accused.


George4Mayor86 t1_jax0zz3 wrote

Ok. How is that different? Their singular goal is to make sure people accused of crimes get as little punishment as possible - regardless of whether they know perfectly well their client is guilty.

Again, this isn’t a bad thing. Even criminals are entitled to legal defense. But people wrongly assume that criminal defenders care about public safety, when that’s specifically not their job.


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jb4lgw8 wrote

That is a bad thing. Not all criminals are the same. Some are people who made bad choices. Others are repeat offenders with lengthy sheets. Fuck those guys.

Fighting to reduce punishment for someone like that is horrible when signs show they'll just do it again once they're out.


Crimsonwolf1445 t1_jb0dcgk wrote

Which entails helping accused criminals get away with it.

They help as many guilty people as innocent ones likely more guilty people actually.

It is their duty


djdjddhdhdh t1_jay68sn wrote

You’re right in that their job is to defend a person. You’re wrong in that they don’t care, they don’t particularly have a choice. It’s the defense attorney legal and ethical responsibility to defend a client whether or not they did it


frost5al t1_jb17bn3 wrote

Hey, more guns, more shootings, more bodies, more business for them.


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jb4lu4v wrote

In December a member of Bronx Defenders was arrested for.... you can't make it up...illegal possession of a firearm.