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PauI_MuadDib t1_jd7h4ky wrote

Consider supporting NY Senate Bill 182. It would repeal qualified immunity throughout the entirety of NYS.

Call/email your senator and tell them to vote for SB 182. Hochul has said she'd veto it, but the bill's sponsor (Sen. Robert Jackson) has said Dems are prepared to use their supermajority to override her. So every vote is going to count on this.


Croweslen t1_jdgy2y7 wrote

No one understands qualified immunity and it's hilarious. For example, if a cop did something that is againsts the law, such as an illegal search. And its prooven in a court of law that it was illegal. The victim can then sue the cop personally. Qualified immunity will not protect the cop.

If the cop acted legally, in good faith and did nothing wrong, then they victim can only sue the city due to qualified immunity protecting the cop.

Qualified immunity isnt an absolute shield against any lawsuit. It only covers the cop if they did everything legally.