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queensnyatty t1_je0psu3 wrote

Why are you looking for side gigs instead of a better full time job? You are a college graduate and you aren’t making double the legal minimum wage.


Feisty-Actuary-3297 OP t1_je0t6tv wrote

Trying but hard to find in this market. Did couple of interviews but no call back. Hopefully I find something.


queensnyatty t1_je0z7gx wrote

If I were you, I’d put your efforts there. You’ll be much better off in the long run then spending your off hours driving an Uber.

Good luck.


Feisty-Actuary-3297 OP t1_je18ivp wrote

But hard to find anything at this point. Been looking and been applying but nothing is coming due to my lack of experience in the working field