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d4ng3rz0n3 t1_jddhe14 wrote

Condos in flatiron would sell for a huge premium. I cant imagine a bigger flex for NYC than saying “I live in the Flatiron”


thegreatsadclown t1_jddjahx wrote

I used to work there and everyone would lose their minds when I told them


z3rohabits t1_jde6mxo wrote

the biggest flex would be I live in a pizza shaped studio


TizonaBlu t1_jddufnf wrote

Are you serious? It’s like saying, “I work in ESB”, like ok?

I own a townhouse in Manhattan is a significantly bigger flex. Not to mention Flatiron district is actually not great to live in, and the price reflects it.


vanalla t1_jdek5ea wrote

"I work in ESB" is a dunk on everyone who doesn't live here.

"I own a townhome in UWS/WV/Chelsea is a dunk on everyone who lives here.