
d4ng3rz0n3 t1_jcay1vb wrote

Very anecdotally, I saw a man stab his wife in the street in broad daylight in Midtown East. I and others chased him until the police arrived and arrested him. He was released the same day and arrested for petty theft the day afterwards. Unsure if he was released again at that point, but his trial was like 2.5 years later. He was on his 3rd strike (shocker) so ended up pleaing to about 4-5 years.


d4ng3rz0n3 t1_ja8bnux wrote

I liked living in Midtown near Grand Central, because I could walk to my office in under 10 minutes, and get to anywhere else in the city very quickly via Grand Central, or even by walking. My part of Midtown East/Murray Hill (Park Ave in the 30s) was very residential too.

End of the day, having more units online is better for everyone.


d4ng3rz0n3 t1_j6j9j1q wrote

The app is called Spireworks. Someone with the app has to invite you with a link. This used to be easier to find/buy because the app used to have 5 invites per user. Now its only 1.

I used to occasionally sell these to people in person for about $100 and then on the 5th one I would send the invite to myself and get 5 more and repeat the process.

There are probably people out there still selling invites for between $30-$100 though.

Once you are on the app, you have the choice of at least 2 buildings. The BOA tower on 42nd and 6th and the H&M tower in times square. You can only access them from sundown to midnight.

You can do a variety of things with the lights on the spires like change colors, directions, pulsate etc. You only get 2 minutes at a time and there can be 1 or 2 other people on it too. Thats why they can go a bit crazy sometimes. If there's more than 2 people then there is a queue formed. You can do this unlimited times in the evening. It does get boring after a while but can be a cool party trick or to impress a date (what's your favorite color? then change it to that immediately).

In recent years, some nights are blocked off to raise money for charity, so you have to pay like $10 or $20 to be able to use it that evening.

I haven't used it in years but pretty sure I still have access to it. I believe they had plans to add 1 WTC and the ESB at some point but not sure.

Edit: I don't have any spireworks invitations to give out or sell. You guys are on your own so good luck