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Fabulous_Leg3466 t1_jcfh10c wrote

Maybe when the fucking guy that owns msg pays his fucking property tax the mta can take part of the money. The answer to literally every problem in this city is to tax the rich. For fucking fucks sake.


MrNewking t1_jcga9yo wrote

But what about trickle down economics? If the rich earn more money and are taxed less, im sure it'll trickle down to the rest of us, right?


heresmyusername t1_jcgwsit wrote

Hope Reagan's grave is being eternally pissed on (and worse) as we continue to grapple with the irreparably broken system that began as a direct result of his presidency.


Fabulous_Leg3466 t1_jcgj5jl wrote

Maybe we just collectively pull all our teeth out and wait for the tooth fairy to leave us some money under our pillows


Unlucky_Lawfulness51 t1_jcgtjmo wrote

Yes you're right, Dolan should pay taxes but that won't resolve this billion dollar issue. $2.75 is a very good deal to get across the city.


czapatka t1_jchdybc wrote

Have they ever considered a distance-based fare like DC, London or Paris? Even BART is distance-based and it’s $4 to get from Oakland to SF, and they have discounted rides for as little as $1.50 for those who need it with their START program.

The MTA clearly needs to raise their fares while also figuring out a way to subsidize them for individuals or families who can’t afford it.


BurningBeechbone t1_jchtjaf wrote

A distance-based fair is a direct tax on the poor and a discount to the rich. Most New Yorkers work in Manhattan, only the wealthiest live near work.


czapatka t1_jcib2el wrote

That point isn’t lost on me. I was just asking if there was ever a discussion around it, since the MTA is clearly in need of revenue.

If we can’t raise fares or introduce another fare structure, clearly the MTA is in a stalemate with themselves.


akmalhot t1_jcicxs2 wrote

Yes the 30 million dollars will solve all the mta corruption


Fabulous_Leg3466 t1_jcint3w wrote

I mean 30 million is nothing to shake a stick at and at least that will be yearly


akmalhot t1_jciosm7 wrote

Mta wasts that much in 12 hrs. Why not focus on a real solution .like, reigning their runaway costs and corruption