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k1lk1 t1_jcfjs5v wrote

That's fine, but it's also true of basically every agency in the city. So until we have a plan to fix the way we manage government in general, we need to keep things moving. Hint, fixing all of the waste will include, but not be limited to, renegotiating union contracts all over the city.


chug84 t1_jcfphbf wrote

Renegotiating what exactly with the unions?


misterferguson t1_jcfqso8 wrote

>Renegotiating what exactly with the unions?

If you even have to ask this question then you have no business accusing the MTA of mismanaging its money.

Who do you think designed the MTA's ridiculous overtime policies?


Confident-Area-6946 t1_jchapyi wrote

The MTA is the problem… how do people not get that it is shockingly obvious embezzlement.


chug84 t1_jcftwdc wrote

Overtime comes from upper management, not the workers. Apparently you're the one that has no business discussing how the MTA allocates its funds.


misterferguson t1_jcfu27o wrote

They’re all in the union buddy.


MrNewking t1_jcgal51 wrote

Upper management is specifically not in the union. At least not in the TWU.


BonesJustice t1_jchwgwe wrote

Upper management (in any organization) is generally exempt from most protections enshrined in the NLRA, which is the lynchpin of collective bargaining rights in the USA.


chug84 t1_jcfvo88 wrote

You really think the workers are in the same union with upper management? 😅


thegameksk t1_jcgcsd3 wrote

The MTA themselves would rather give OT than hire. You know how long people wait for a call to work for the MTA? MTA doesn't want to pay for healthcare, etc for new hires when they can just give OT


Drunk_Oso t1_jcgu02o wrote

It seems to always be cheaper to offer OT than hire additional people. Same thing in my industry.


akmalhot t1_jcid39e wrote

So just keep wasting I stead of fixing. Thats literally why we have so much inflation and bs going on.


acmilan12345 t1_jcfvtrw wrote

This is the part I don’t think this subreddit gets.

There is a certain amount of mismanagement involved in most government entities. Yes, in an ideal world, you would fix all of these problems before giving the MTA money.

But these problems are not easily fixed, and the MTA needs money now. So that money needs to come from somewhere, and legislators are trying to pretend that the MTA can be self-sufficient, which it can’t.
