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t1_jcmoofp wrote

That's the most damning thing to me. I was skeptical of the story mostly due to denial as this was a place I loved in college but after working in restaurant industry and how easy it is to game even an A rating, even a B grade means there is A LOT of problems


t1_jco5ngl wrote

People underestimate how EASY it is to get an A grade. To get anything lower just means the restaurant owners either don't give a f or are extremely incompetent.

I also worked in food industry during high school and college.


t1_jcpw66v wrote

The exterminator at my old job used to tell me horror stores about all of these big restaurants with A ratings. He said he would only eat at small mom and pop shops.


t1_jcqrcw8 wrote

But having a C rating might be why they targeted this restaurant. Makes it more believable, as you illustrate.