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lazerphace t1_jcs351x wrote

it will be massively overpriced


VeryStruong t1_jcs7c5r wrote

What's the alternative? Morton Williams? Gristedes? It's expensive either way but at least there's quality


lazerphace t1_jcs7fme wrote

trader joe and farmers market i guess. there’s a cheap ctown near me in the projects


VeryStruong t1_jcs7qhk wrote

Not everyone has access to good options like that. Personally I wish I had an overpriced one around me


lazerphace t1_jcsdxan wrote

they do have those options if we’re talking about this hmart


Jeff-Van-Gundy t1_jct5k51 wrote

Time is money. I’ve never seen a Trader Joe’s in nyc with a normal wait time. I was considering buying in bulk in jersey during the pandemic and selling to people standing in line outside lol


eldersveld t1_jct5zz5 wrote

> I’ve never seen a Trader Joe’s in nyc with a normal wait time.

Depends on when you go. I go to the one on Spring St all the time in the middle of weekdays and often there's not even a line


MajorAcer t1_jctemd8 wrote

The TJs in Long Island City has normal wait times. And for the price you pay for groceries there I’d wait longer tbh.


Murdercorn t1_jctgrmx wrote

I went to the one at 93rd and Columbus last Friday after work and I waited for maybe five minutes tops.


preceptress t1_jcttdjj wrote

Lines can snake around 3 aisles. It moves in minutes. They have it kind of figured out. The prices are rock bottom. Why the lines.



iStealyournewspapers t1_jcviokw wrote

Trader Joe’s upper west side (the one in the 90s) is often pretty chill if you go at off hours. Even when it’s busy I never find myself waiting in line for that long. The line may be long but the wait is not.


thepobv t1_jcze29z wrote

Go to asian owned non-chained groceries stores.

albeit, none in UWS


Ok-Concentrate-9316 t1_jcs4imc wrote

And all packages shrunk in size.


lazerphace t1_jcs4oyi wrote

i don’t know anything about that!


Ok-Concentrate-9316 t1_jcs4z6p wrote

Check out it’s meat and Kimchi sections and compare to a super Hmart store you will notice the differences.