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JunkratOW OP t1_iqsrdg9 wrote

Link to the charges/indictment

This idiot broke so many rules in the book during this robbery, and this is how the feds found him:

  1. He used his personal vehicle for the robbery and did not get rid of the plates on the car. He also left a pair of baby shoes hanging in the rearview mirror which was seen clear as day on the surveillance footage, the police found the car because they were still hanging there when they spotted a car that looked like the one used in the robbery. He also left the car near his home in Harlem.

  2. He wore the same sneakers to the robbery he wore in surveillance footage they collected of him around his home area after they found the car.

  3. The same exact gun he used the the robbery was seen in multiple of his own social media posts.

  4. The worst one. This guy used his personal laundry bag to hold the cash from the robbery. The same bag seen on the surveillance footage was found in social media posts he posted of his own room.


b8791048 t1_iqszbfr wrote

Also committing federal crimes because its a USPS station/USPS employee


oreosfly t1_iqu4gv8 wrote

> federal crimes

Ah yes, at least our idiot DAs can't touch this case now


Refreshingpudding t1_iqt4kau wrote

He didn't even bother to print a fake license plate? :)


DadBodofanAmerican t1_iqtms1k wrote

Half of whitestone and Staten island are smarter than this guy and they're only stealing tolls and speeding.


TrueAd3615 t1_iqu7dfr wrote

I mean, you do have to pass an aptitude test to be a cop


2021zb t1_iqt7oaw wrote

The 4 Robber Commandments.

Thou should not …..


Rottimer t1_iqvplvx wrote

Which again leads me to think someone currently or formerly of usps helped him with this. The guy is too much of an idiot to come up with this on his own.


Danny_Ocean_11 t1_iqwo54v wrote

LOL, this dude fucked up so badly with social media.

I remember when the news first got posted here, many were commenting that this HAD to be an inside job.


ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iqt1ed3 wrote

So dumb. He could have robbed anything else in the Bronx and if he got caught would of been out in a day and plead to time served. He robbed a federal facility and attacked a federal worker. He will be going away for at least 10 years after he pleas.


squall571 t1_iqt5fz9 wrote

You’re right. He could have robbed a jewelry store and be at the Mets game tonight.


iv2892 t1_iqtj9fz wrote

I know this is mostly joking , but how much time could you realistically spend in jail for planning a heist ? Specially if you were armed


PsychopathStealth t1_iqu5gl8 wrote

It's Bronx DA, so based on a level 3 sex offender on parole putting a random guy in coma using knuckles re enforced glove being released the next day.

Id say a jewelry store heist with no injuries would be like an hour.


Dyuweh t1_iqu60xg wrote

The subtle of connection of dumb robbers and the Mets.


burnshimself t1_iqtq8hp wrote

Well I’m glad there’s still at least come accountability left in our city


justin62001 t1_iqtby5v wrote

For anyone who doesn’t know, the USPS has their own special agents as crazy as that sounds lol. This news isn’t a surprise because I’m sure the NYPD and USPIS have their own joint task force just for stuff like this as rare it may seem to happen


whateverisok t1_iqudey5 wrote

Just agreeing: you do not want to fuck around with the USPS - they will get you


ApplicationNo2506 t1_iqsrpqm wrote

Dude is dumb af. If he had a brain he could of got away with it


LeektheGeek t1_iqt82l2 wrote

Lol didn’t take long to catch this guy


IGOMHN2 t1_iqtd62z wrote

So I guess it wasn't an ex-employee?


whodattguy t1_iqtk5uw wrote

How does this guy, who lives in Harlem, exploit a weakness in a post office in Castle Hill without assistance? It’s the only part of his plan that didn’t sounds incredibly idiotic (target PO far from home). But it doesn’t make sense that he was able to do that alone with no help when he fucked up in so many ways.


Rottimer t1_iqvq04n wrote

I’m still thinking an ex or current employee was in on this. The guy seems to dumb to have come up with this on his own. But who knows.


FrostJunks t1_iqt828o wrote

100k is a lot… somebody wasn’t going to let him slide with this one.


iv2892 t1_iqtjerl wrote

Nope, not even the Bronx piece of shit DA would let him get away with it. But since is a federal crime we might never know


stevecbelljr t1_iqtstfi wrote

It's a Federal crime, so it's out of their hands. If it was up to the Bronx DA, they'd probably plead it down to a grand larceny charge with time served.


kaiju-chan t1_iqy2wvx wrote

Federal crimes lmao, Tony Soprano taught Chrissy to never commit interstate theft!


bklynzboy t1_iqt5l0a wrote

Bury him with time