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Rottimer t1_itpq0i4 wrote

These school administrators stole from their own community. They're not only denying those kids an even passable education, but stealing food out of the mouths of their community's children to pad their own pockets and the pockets of their friends. And you're here telling me that I'm just looking for a reason to bash them? They've proved themselves complete assholes. No one has to "look" for that.


elizabeth-cooper t1_itprqgy wrote

They did. So why are you inventing problems so you can criticize them for things that you would do too?

"I wouldn't associate with them if you paid me, but they're assholes for not wanting to associate with me."


Rottimer t1_itpso3w wrote

I wouldn't associate with those school administrators, but my point is that if I wanted to send my child there (doesn't matter why) then I should be able to without a religious test. Maybe that's the case, I haven't tried. But I'm guessing it's not and that I would be strongly discouraged from doing so.


elizabeth-cooper t1_itptbkn wrote

Of course it matters why. You're getting angry that you can't have something you don't want.

It's like complaining that it's not fair that you haven't been pushed in front of a train.