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PTERODACTYL_ANUS t1_it5v8oq wrote

speaking of fish, fishing waste is like the largest single contributor to ocean plastic


ctindel t1_it5ihnm wrote

Yeah the rule is as dumb as banning 32 ounce sodas


iRedditAlreadyyy t1_it6148c wrote

Still cracks me up when I get a paper straw to use with my clearly single use plastic cup when I grab my coffee


ctindel t1_it6zfth wrote

Exactly! And all the single use plastic cutlery and plates.

Though by cracks me up what I really mean is it makes me irrationally angry about the stupidity of the whole thing.


iRedditAlreadyyy t1_it8vzdr wrote

I’m fine with it if they just go all the way. Blue bottle has really nice paper cups with bio lids. I’ve used eco friendly “plastic” forks and knives and they work just as well as the plastic ones. Just go all the way and not half ass it with a paper straw in a plastic cup. Or at least allow me to refill my water bottle at a slight discount. Works for me too