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101ina45 t1_it125rd wrote

Honestly I don't understand conservatives who complain about nyc but stay/continually talk about it.

Like, I don't obsess over conservative states/cities because they don't line up with my values. Just weird.


CaptAshley t1_it13968 wrote

It’s because Conservatives are always looking for a scapegoat to distract from the fact that they have nothing of substance to offer their constituents but manufactured outrage. So they cycle through their list of boogeymen and exist solely to grift and point elsewhere.


crunchybaguette t1_it17h18 wrote

Conservative grandstanding. Christian virtue signaling to promote their platform.

Point out another’s issues to minimize their own.


user_joined_just_now t1_it1gf8m wrote

> I don't obsess over conservative states/cities because they don't line up with my values. Just weird.

Yeah, I guess it's incredibly weird to be concerned about other states restricting abortion rights. Why would anyone care? So weird.


symbiat0 t1_it2ny06 wrote

No, the poster is right, generally we don't obsess over conservative places the way conservatives are always harping on about Chicago and News York. Crime in Chicago is not even in the top 20 worst places (many places in Red states fill out the top 20 or 30), but for sure Fox News and NYP (same org as far as I'm concerned, both Murdoch-owned) will only report on Chicago and NYC to push their crazy skewed view.

And yes while we are concerned about abortion rights, and we'll talk about them, the focus now is on getting this issue on to ballots in various states and trying to focus on keeping the House and maybe grabbing a couple of Senate seats because without those nothing can be done at the federal level.