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kjuneja t1_iu3l6wo wrote

Pay your fine and walk out. No one is going to get arrested for parking fines.

Why did you take it off if you're going to pay?

Talk about a Self inflected situation


warhead1233 OP t1_iu3na1d wrote

I took it off because I knew it was going to be towed, would lose my job and etc. Wasn't going to pay it on the same day or same week.


warhead1233 OP t1_iu3m5k2 wrote

I'm from Jersey and was there only for 1 night. I didn't know I had man tickets or even knew how things worked. I paid some tickets off and plan on going in person to the department of finance toake things right with them. What should I expect?


Carmilla31 t1_iu3w9zz wrote

You never saw the multiple tickets on your windshield? Or mailed to your residence? That usually means you have to pay them.


warhead1233 OP t1_iu3xber wrote

Well I asked what address they had for me on file and they couldn't even answer that question. Meaning they didn't even know where to mail it to which is stupid to me because I get all my mail from ez pass why couldn't I get the mail from NY state ?


warhead1233 OP t1_iu3m8yv wrote

Thank man sorry it's that I'm from Jersey and was getting mixed feelings. Yeah I plan on going to the department of finance and just paying the rest of everything all at once. I'm a good noodle lmao I just had to do what I had to do to keep my job and feed my kids


kjuneja t1_iu3nexo wrote

Good luck my dude and bring cash!


warhead1233 OP t1_iu3pjzr wrote

Thank you and sadly most definitely will bring cash lmao