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The_Lone_Apple t1_iso72rh wrote

I'm more in favor of dedicated bus lanes than any other transit project. I mean bus lanes in all boroughs for local and express buses. We would move a hell of a lot of people if not for a truck or cab parked in front of a deli blocking the way.


supremeMilo t1_isoqcwx wrote

Avenue street parking needs to be loading/unloading only.


lurkatwork t1_isot0gm wrote

This would also need to be enforced like even 1% of the time


D14DFF0B t1_isp8hgn wrote

Bus-mounted cameras.


lickedTators t1_isq92yk wrote

Bus-mounted cow pushers. Bus drivers would enjoy enforcing their own lanes.


Rpanich t1_isqp9xo wrote

Why not just tow the cars away? Charge the owner for the tow and for the ticket.

Use the money to fix the subway!

Edit: I just saw on the news they’re finally cracking down on ghost plates by towing them/ charging the owners/ sending the cars to auction, so I guess this is a totally plausible and enforceable plan that should pay for itself?


The_Lone_Apple t1_isow8s2 wrote

One side only. They can cross the street for stores on the other side.


CactusBoyScout t1_ispccr3 wrote

Yes, bus lanes are such a cheap and effective way to improve transit... if they're kept clear.

But the reality is that only automated enforcement cameras will effectively do that and many people here seem to have a knee-jerk reaction to traffic enforcement cameras. Even if the NYPD were totally onboard with traffic enforcement (lol) they can't be everywhere all the time.

That's how lots of other global cities have effectively reduced traffic accidents/fatalities... camera enforcement for tons of driving infractions like speeding, running reds, illegal turns, blocking intersections, etc.