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kokchain t1_iwv14oz wrote

Luls on all of the fucking weekends to do it, they choose the one before thanksgiving.


snobum OP t1_iwv1lz7 wrote

Right! That's why I posted this. It's so shortsighted. And yet I'm not surprised.


Thisbetheend t1_iwwgwnc wrote

The one this MTA can guarantee you is an inconvenience at the worst time possible


maverick4002 t1_iwv9kno wrote

My heart sank for a minute cuz I'm going to JFK in a few but I'm taking the A

Edit: it's a shit show from Howard Beach. Delays on the AirTran, then you need to transfer at Federal Circle for a Jamaica Air Train. That's how you get to the terminals. Obviosuly packed, people can't get on the first train that comes.


JBMPropertyMgmtLLC t1_iwvu4v9 wrote

It will still suck a bit though because I’m assuming you have luggage, and the subway will likely be extra packed because of all of the people who would of taken the E train.


maverick4002 t1_iwvuabf wrote

Probably but I'll survive. I'm a one bag traveller lol. Going for 8 days with just carry on


pineapplejuniors t1_iwxo4u6 wrote

Can confirm. Airtrain wait was 20 minutes.

I immediately was able to board the transfer though.


ok_computer123 t1_iwxeovd wrote

Am I missing something? Doesn’t Howard beach also take you straight to the terminals? Why do you need to switch onto a Jamaica train when at Federal Circle?


maverick4002 t1_iwxeuyi wrote

The Howard Beach train had delays.

Then when it came it didn't go to the terminals. We had to stop at Federal Circle and then go upstairs to the third floor to catch another train. That train was the train bound for Jamaica (per the announcements) but it was passing through the terminals first.


GlitteringHighway t1_iwv83yi wrote

This will ruin so many plans. I image some evil goblin at a city desk laughing in glee.


SexyPeanut_9279 t1_iwvhny6 wrote

‘‘Twas the Grinch Himself

*cues “you’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch”..


originaltrident t1_iww4a9v wrote

Shame NYC doesnt have a non-transfer train that goes directly into the airport like SF or Chicago


Rhino_Thunder t1_iww4qwf wrote

Even Atlanta’s pathetic train goes to the airport


kummybears t1_iwzybkb wrote

Dallas Texas has a direct train that goes from downtown to the airport.


SoulfulYam t1_iwz21g8 wrote

We could have had one, but Robert Moses said: "Fuck you, get in a car."


cguess t1_iwza8qz wrote

It’s because we used federal dollars to build the trains and until like… last year, metros with federal funding had to terminate at airports or not stop at them at all. Why? Who the fuck knows, but you’ll see the same thing at DCA in DC. The blue line in Chicago terminates at ORD so they could get away with it. This is why the subway to LGA sucked for so long, always needed an airtrain in addition to extending the subway.

This law got dropped a year or two ago finally so maybe in 20 years we’ll get a train direct to LGA but no way they’re going to rebuild JFK and EWR.


Mysterious_Option727 t1_iwzo94o wrote

You can get on the airtrain if you take one of the buses to the last stop but a lot of people don't know that. I've been doing it for years when leaving out of jfk.


Consistent-Height-79 t1_iwxe7pw wrote

Hey, but at least we get 24-hour transportation to all 3 airports.


Tsuko17 t1_iwxp0fn wrote

To Newark is not 24 hour, you'd be lucky if you make it on time to the other two with all the delays and hiccups MTA is known for


SimmerDownRizzo t1_iwuvogc wrote

If you're close to, or it's easy to get to Penn Station, then you can always take aLIRR train. All trains stop at Jamaica (except Port Washington). And I'm pretty sure you get to Jamaica before they start collecting tickets. So there's a chance you'll ride free.

FINAL EDIT: You guys, we did it!!! They have a ticket specifically for going from Jamaica to Brooklyn or Penn. Its $5.75, and its called a City Pass.

EDIT: Apparently this may not be the best choice. Proceed accordingly. This maybe a $10 ride to Nowheresville.

EDIT 2: Apparently, there is a $10 surcharge as another commenter pointed out. So this is not really a great plan for a short trip like Penn to Jamaica. That being said tickets can be refunded within a certain time window from purchase. Even if it was a round-trip and it was only punched going one way.

EDIT 3a: That being said, another commenter also pointed out that you should be able to grab a free ride from Penn to Jamaica if you present your MetroCard and inform the conductor that there is a service interruption preventing you from taking the E to Jamaica.

EDIT 3b: This might not apply to planned service changes.

EDIT 4: Always purchase a ticket for the LIRR, my original comment was not to say that you shouldn't buy a ticket, just that you could get a refund if you don't get your ticket punched. But this isn't the best idea because: See edits above.


ILoveTabascoSauce t1_iwv31gh wrote

> And I'm pretty sure you get to Jamaica before they start collecting tickets

Most definitely not - please don't try this. They check the tickets almost always before Woodside. Buy your ticket.


SimmerDownRizzo t1_iwv3ydk wrote

You should always buy a ticket, if it doesn't get punched you can refund it.


ILoveTabascoSauce t1_iwv43og wrote

Ah fair enough. That being said, i've never not had my ticket punched from Penn to Jamaica. Usually it's within the first minute of leaving.


SimmerDownRizzo t1_iwvcnng wrote

Eh, I think it depends on a lot of factors. Eg: Peak/Off-peak, where you're located on the train, how on-time the train is etc. It happens. I've made the trip plenty of times, end-to-end on Ronkonkoma, and not been punched either way.


snobum OP t1_iwvge1v wrote

Refunds are $10, more than the cost of the ticket.


SimmerDownRizzo t1_iwviwa0 wrote

So you're saying you'll have $.75 burning a hole in your pocket. Man, I bet you'll be able to find a sick Street Fighter arcade machine somewhere.


doowi1 t1_iww0i7l wrote

Even if it's activated or no?


SimmerDownRizzo t1_iww4g38 wrote

Apparently, there is a $10 surcharge as another commenter pointed out. So this is not really a great plan for a short trip like Penn to Jamaica. That being said tickets can be refunded within a certain time window from purchase. Even if it was a round-trip and it was only punched going one way.

That being said, another commenter also pointed out that you should be able to grab a free ride from Penn to Jamaica if you present your MetroCard and inform the conductor that there is a service interruption preventing you from taking the E to Jamaica.


Bntyhntr t1_iwv1ntc wrote

If going from Atlantic, you can get an Atlantic ticket at all times for $5. (Probably not if you're taking the E to JFK though...)

Otherwise if using Penn, a CityTicket (only applicable during offpeak) is also $5.


joyousRock t1_iwvvsm6 wrote

Yes LIRR is the move if you're going to JFK from midtown with no E train. buying a ticket is not optional though lol


intjish_mom t1_iwxo1yg wrote

they have a ticket specifically for going from jamaica to brooklyn or penn. its $5.75, its called a city pass. theres no $10 surcharge on that unless you buy the ticket on the train. heck, if you have the app you can buy the ticket on that. but if you dont use the ticket there is a surchage on getting a refund and you dont get any money back for the low cost of the city ticket since the cost of the ticket is lower than the surcharge


mematixta t1_iwvnpt4 wrote

If there's a Subway issue the LIRR will honor passengers with a Metro Card. Just show the conductor the card and you'll be ok to ride without paying the LIRR fee.


ASmellyThing t1_iww5scg wrote

Idk if this would work for a scheduled interruption. The only times I’ve seen them cross honor tickets is if an interruption in service happens out of nowhere or if they specify that they will cross honor the fares. Buying a city ticket before boarding is the safest bet.


mematixta t1_iwx3r2g wrote

Yes. For a scheduled interruption that is posted no. For other incidences yes.


NKtDpt4x t1_iwxn5i4 wrote

City Ticket btwn Penn and Jamaica is only $5. Same for other direction.


boldandbratsche t1_iwvg56t wrote

What about people flying into JFK and needing to use the E to get home? I'm guessing we're SOL too? I'm getting in late Saturday night and need to get to Forest Hills.


curlyhairedsheep t1_iwvq9vw wrote

Q10 from JFK Terminal 5 to Kew Gardens-Union Turnpike.

AirTrain to LIRR, city ticket to on the weekends from Jamaica to Forest Hills.

Not sure what end of the neighborhood you're on, but a yellow cab is usually around $25, if there's 2 of you it's about the same price as airtrain plus subway or cityticket.


FarFromSane_ t1_iww1wln wrote

The F train at Sutphin/Hillside which the E will also be running on) is not very far away. And several bus lines run between Jamaica station and it, so not too hard to catch one if too far to walk with luggage.


smallmind t1_iwxi2bt wrote

If its two people, it makes more sense to pay a cab $24 from the F rather than dragging luggage onto the bus and then the AirTrain for $16.


hythloth t1_iwvnxka wrote



boldandbratsche t1_iwvq84v wrote

Oh fun. We get to Uber at peak time at 1am on Saturday instead of taking the subway four stops after we already paid for the AirTrain passes. Glad I pay those NYC taxes...


snobum OP t1_iwvsda5 wrote

It's criminal that the airtrain is $8. It should be free!


oreosfly t1_iwwabo0 wrote

Take Uber from JFK.

Once you have multiple people the cost of splitting one cab is close enough to taking mass transit anyways


myassholealt t1_iwxiv00 wrote

Not sure what terminal it stops at, but the Q3 goes to JFK, and it's like a 15 minute ride from JFK to the locust manor lirr stop. Bus stop name is west gate, iirc, and it's the stop right after the laundromat on your right. It an above ground LIRR station so you'll also see the trestle overhead to know the stop. Locust manor to forest hills is like a 12 minute trip.


intjish_mom t1_iwxniev wrote

its not that bad. there is a shuttle bus, if you're going further into the city its annoying but you can take the j to the a. or city ticket on the lirr for 5.75 or whatever the price is. if you really wanted to get an e train you could take the bus to the f line apparently. or the billions of cabs standing outside of the station asking if you want a taxi are always available. if you live in ny you should know at least 3 ways to get home.


twelvydubs t1_iwv8toy wrote

And yet they wonder why people have cars or use rideshare instead of public transportation...


AttorneyGirl95 t1_iwweju3 wrote

And they think the solution is just to increase tolls to encourage people to use public transit that is hardly ever on time, is always broken, and won’t get you where you need to go


LowerMontaukBranch t1_iwwjf6w wrote

Yes, without a doubt the solution is to disincentivize automobile usage and ownership through tolls, but that money needs to be used for transit improvements. The issue is transparency of the funds, it should not be nearly this expensive to improve mass transit.


Tsuko17 t1_iwxp6en wrote

They pocket the money, it never gets recirculated into system for improvements


elecktrobunny t1_iww1uvk wrote

Don't forget you can take the LIRR to the AirTrain at Jamaica too! It's so much faster than the E


Ok-Ad-2605 t1_iwwf97c wrote

It’s more expensive but take the LIRR instead! Way cheaper than an Uber or taxi


drumsplease987 t1_iwx85zj wrote

It’s a good option if you plan ahead. First time I decided to take LIRR I didn’t realize that there might only be trains to Jamaica every 30-60 mins on a set schedule.


Frenchitwist t1_iww1oep wrote

It’s things like these that make me happy my fam is here in the city


WheatlyWoodson t1_iwyjwi3 wrote

I used to be the same, but my brother, and more importantly, his kids, fled to Florida to avoid income taxes, and my parents followed suit because... grandbabies.

So now Thanksgiving is pretty much not a thing because there's no way I'm traveling to that hellhole during the holidays.


Existing-Motor8143 t1_iwwh9mv wrote

Upvoting for reach. Your service to the community is appreciated. 🫡


nicnicbuildings4dick t1_iwxsw89 wrote

Has there ever been one day when the entire subway system functioned?


mematixta t1_iwvnw6j wrote

Just take the F Train to Sutphin and walk an extra block to the Air Train.


Luke90210 t1_iwvv2q7 wrote

Not a treat if one has luggage.


FarFromSane_ t1_iww2cbi wrote

Several buses share that route. Catch one of them. It won’t be a long wait unless it’s super late.


Luke90210 t1_iww4qet wrote

IIRC, the F train station at Sutphin doesn't have an elevator nor escalator. I am not hauling luggage out of that station to wait for a bus for the Air Train connection.


intjish_mom t1_iwxoiw8 wrote

neither did the e until recently. the railroad and lirr had an elevator, but anything in the subway you had to use the stairs until a few months ago.


huntyqueen t1_iwvyl3f wrote

Wow I was about to take it later today, thanks for posting this!


snobum OP t1_iwvyqck wrote

Today is fine, unless it's late night. Starts at 11:45pm tonight.


MerelyMisha t1_iww4vkh wrote

Ugh, terrible week for this. Looks like there will be shuttle buses at least.


intjish_mom t1_iwxn7kf wrote

That makes travel for me hella annoying. now i gotta figure out getting around on the J.


Tsuko17 t1_iwxosgl wrote

garbage MTA at it again


NYC0812 t1_iwyfg6h wrote

Thank you for the info. We plan to go to Qatar for the 2022 World Cup on weekend. Good to know!


Mysterious_Option727 t1_iwznz7c wrote

As someone who lives in the neighborhood. I would just take the A to lefferts and get on the Q10 Limited to the airtran PLUS you don't pay for the airtran.


BluntsAnonymous t1_iwzvd9o wrote

Probably a good thing that I canceled my trip


erikbronx t1_iwxpty7 wrote

Please install the MYmta application on your mobile device. Most of the information you need to commute in NYC is at the tip of you thumbs. The application tells you about delays, reroutes, service changes, and more.