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t1_iy9515l wrote

JFC. You mean back in the day when they had huge cameras on tripods and like ten people standing around and not some creep pretending they’re not filming you for a ‘project.’ I’ve seen a few people get confronted for doing shit like this on the train.


t1_iy9buqn wrote

I see you lack foresight. Also there are plenty of people in that old footage completely unaware that there’s a camera filming them.

Who fucking cares anyway? There are cameras filming us all the time and we don’t even know it. Everywhere you go in NY you’re being recorded by a camera you can’t see. So what? It’s not like I’m doing anything bad with the footage.

I’ve caught a couple people recording me for who knows what reason and I didn’t care. I look like a couple famous people so I suspect it was a foreigner who wasn’t sure but wanted to capture me just in case.

And your thing about being confronted is way more of a risk these days than it was back in 2009 or 2010 when I was doing this. A lot of people still didn’t have smart phones and people were far less worried about being recorded in public like they are today.

These days an incident happens and basically everyone watching can record it and post it online. So people feel more threatened by the idea now than they did then. Of the 200+ times I made a recording, not once did anyone confront me. I wouldn’t expect the same today, and that’s part of why I don’t bother with this sort of thing anymore. It had its day.
