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quantum1eeps t1_ivf3ik5 wrote

Lots of things to dislike such as cost of living, finding an apartment and paying a broker fee, etc. but this is the best city in the world. You will feel like you’re in a different city just by transferring to another borough. You will have the same opportunities as Europe to wander on foot and not need a car. Enjoy. For me, the positives outweigh the negatives — I may not be able to afford it here forever but I enjoy the time I have here


areYouMenthol t1_ivf3j3r wrote

Harsh truth: this question has been answered a million times already. Please go to r/asknyc and look around first.


PhilosophicWarrior t1_ivf3onb wrote

Living in Manhattan is dangerous and expensive. Lots of people like living in Hoboken and taking the ferry across to NYC. They also like Brooklyn - but to me it is crowded and expensive


senorpalpatine OP t1_ivf43pv wrote

Cool makes sense, I keep finding many ranges of the cost of rent etc but in terms of a temporary move it seems like a worthy experience even if it means financial struggle for the duration of my time there


Arleare13 t1_ivf46k8 wrote

Cost of living is notoriously high here, and is currently exacerbated by inflation, though that's true everywhere. Hopefully your employer is paying you commensurately with cost of living; if not, ask them to.

Renting can be fine, or not. Finding an apartment is painful, but it's very possible to find one you can be happy in long-term. And a nice thing about renting is that if you do end up in a bad spot, you're not locked in there.

Eating is a good thing if you wish to live. I highly recommend it. There are lots of good places here for that.

"critical opinions on the state of NY itself." I don't quite know what you mean by this, but if you're referring to crime, well, crime is up a bit recently, as it is everywhere. But it's not nearly as bad as you've probably heard from the media, which has a vested interest in making crime sound worse than it is, because ratings/sales. This is still a great place to live. It's not perfect for everybody, and maybe you'll find that it's not right for you, which is fine, but literally millions of people happily live here. If you give it a fair shot, rather than starting off with "tell me what sucks about NYC," you might really like it here also.


LunacyNow t1_ivf4j0o wrote

Never under estimate how crowded NYC is. Hence always allot yourself extra time if you need to be somewhere at a particular time. Just because Google maps says you can be there in X min doesn't necessarily you will be there in that time. And it doesn't account for any wait times at your destination.


senorpalpatine OP t1_ivf53y0 wrote

Thank you! You're right, giving it a fair shot is better than me researching what's good and what's bad. I guess its just natural with a major transition of cultures and a bundle of nerves to go with it. Thanks for taking the time!