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t1_ivpkdn7 wrote

“Latest transfad” this is the funny thing about you types.

You lack such historical context that you think trans people are a new creation. They are not, they existed as two spirit in native America, as Hijra in India, in Turkish courts, in Greek society. There were black trans people in the 19th century.

WE are reaching RESPECT and acknowledgement of this history of a group of people who have been spit on and hated at every turn.

Maybe open a book before you assume this is a fad. Gender dysphoria and trans folk aren’t a fad for us:

They are a fad for you right wing culture warriors, obsessed with erasing their existence.

It’s also funny because you type are the same ones who are furiously looking at trans porn, and getting on Grindr to meet up with trans women and hiding.

Like if you want to date trans women it’s not gay, I have dated a few and it’s a lovely experience, just be real with yourself and don’t hide behind this bullshit obsession/hate of them.

Also kids don’t give a fuck, you tell them, some people are born male and they present as female gender wise because their brains are wired that way. It’s totally natural and kids just say oh that’s so cool! You all are the ones making this a big deal because of your self loathing.


t1_ivpv0us wrote

I would have given you an honest response but your bizarre attempt at an insult isn't doing much for me. One day you'll realize your movement has good intentions but completely jumped the shark to the average person. Maybe stop trying to cut the genitals off every 10 year old boy who plays with dolls and people will take you seriously.


t1_ivq4u5i wrote

Classic tactic you employ when you realize you are losing an argument, resort to arguing against a straw man based on assumptions about what I think and feel on this issue. Who said I support gender confirmation surgery for minors, I certainly do not and nor does the AMA.

Puberty blockers and deep intensive therapy are the best course of action it seems.

And yea you have nothing to say because historically I am correct and your dumbass thinks this is a fad because you can’t fathom that maybe these people are a part of the human experience. You basically can just go ahead and admit you lost on the facts because your half ass response really shows you have nothing to say.

Now when we start treating them with respect you act like we’re trying to force kids to become trans.

And I’m not a part of any movement just recognize the continued existence and non erasure of my trans friends.

Let’s be serious, you don’t actually believe people want to chop their child’s dick off, you just fear a world where a kid can actually be trans without bullying and high risks of suicide because they hate what they see in the mirror

But keep thinking this is somehow new.