Darrackodrama t1_je5pciz wrote
Reply to comment by tonka737 in Passing Good Cause Eviction would NOT make it harder for landlords to evict tenants for non-payment by [deleted]
Good then that’ll flood the condo market and make tons of 150-300k 1 beds in Flatbush available. Either way landlords have too much power and this bill is desperately needed. If you like licking landlord boot just say so. But just know if you’re a renter they genuinely detest you deeply.
Darrackodrama t1_je5n3be wrote
Reply to comment by grandzu in Passing Good Cause Eviction would NOT make it harder for landlords to evict tenants for non-payment by [deleted]
Oh yea let me just drop 300k on a down payment and by something right quick
Darrackodrama t1_je5mp2y wrote
Reply to comment by jonnycash11 in Gothamist: NYC subway station agents say so long to the booths this week by Delicious_Adeptness9
You assume they even care
Darrackodrama t1_jdkod4g wrote
Reply to comment by daking213 in NYC: Success Academy Buys New Properties While Planning to Charge Rent to NYC Public Schools by barweis
Non profit doesnt mean they don’t make a profit
Darrackodrama t1_jcarp79 wrote
Reply to comment by BATMAN_UTILITY_BELT in Study shows those released under NY's bail reform laws are less likely to get rearrested by mowotlarx
That’s false, upbringing and family structure failure is related to poverty all the same and correlates with crime
Darrackodrama t1_jb2u2b5 wrote
Reply to comment by cranberryskittle in Woman Followed Into Manhattan Building, Dragged Out of Elevator in Late-Night Rape: Cops by NetQuarterLatte
Unfortunately I’m sure our capitalist society forced the city to kowtow to developers and we need more shelter space so I’m sure they reluctantly chose that
Darrackodrama t1_j9p7eb9 wrote
Reply to comment by arbrady in FDNY wants to up the cost of ambulance rides by more than 50% by NYY657545
Like find this money in taxes on wealthier New Yorkers and nypd cuts ffs
Darrackodrama t1_j9jttjf wrote
Reply to comment by watupmynameisx in Ahead of potential presidential bid, DeSantis heads to New York for law enforcement event by irish_fellow_nyc
And he arrested people who were felons that voted when the state told them to vote in a phony crackdown on voter fraud.
As to the African studies thing, you are just wrong the commission made the determination and he backed it. Let’s say Hochul banned us history because it delves to far into nationalism? Would you honestly be sitting here making excuses for it? I wouldn’t because it’s wrong.
What is happening in Florida is unprecedented and scary, just because you support those things doesn’t mean the precedent isn’t unnerving. Imagine someone you didn’t like started doing the same shit to you?
It also shows you all don’t value diverse ideas in the public education realm, you want an echo chamber and you are willing to hack someone who is slowly dictating a certain nationalist view of the us to kids instead of giving kids a broad overview of thoughts and ideals.
It’s not gonna work anyways, younger kids are increasingly radical and see through it all anyways and gen z and alpha are the most diverse, and sexually divergent generations yet by the numbers so good luck.
Darrackodrama t1_j9fcdby wrote
Reply to comment by watupmynameisx in Ahead of potential presidential bid, DeSantis heads to New York for law enforcement event by irish_fellow_nyc
I’m not talking about trans people at all I’m talking about banning books from the library, arresting protestors for certain speech, and banning AP African American history just because.
Let’s be real if Hochul did that you’d be concerned
Darrackodrama t1_j9br0wc wrote
Reply to comment by watupmynameisx in Ahead of potential presidential bid, DeSantis heads to New York for law enforcement event by irish_fellow_nyc
What are you saying? its momentary regional growth that happens in under developed cities, new york has 8 million plus residents its never going to have anything higher than single digit growth. Its like yea of course botswana has a 20% growth rate and the us is lucky to have 4% the US is fully developed as is NYC compared to jacksonville.
And part of what you are saying is the public perception of NYC not the reality of actual violent crime statistics.
And the only thing they are doing right is poaching New Yorkers by failing to tax people to provide basic healthcare, transit, and educational services, all while clamping down on academic freedom in their schools. For a certain type of selfish new yorker who has the money to hide themselves away in a planned suburban town it works, but its not a sustainable means of living. Let florida have all those people though. The midterms showed that republicans are concentrating themselves into like Florida and texas.
I have lived in both and I felt far safer in NYC than Jacksonville.
Darrackodrama t1_j9bk22a wrote
Reply to comment by watupmynameisx in Ahead of potential presidential bid, DeSantis heads to New York for law enforcement event by irish_fellow_nyc
Big cities in florida are on average far less safe. Lets take jacksonville and compare the gangviolence problem to NYC, its not even close Jacksonville is a far worse place in terms of violent crime. Its your perception and the big city nature of NYC that gets the wrap
Darrackodrama t1_j9a68ue wrote
Reply to comment by watupmynameisx in Ahead of potential presidential bid, DeSantis heads to New York for law enforcement event by irish_fellow_nyc
Because a lot of Floridians are nyc refugees from south bk who never loved their fellow mek all that much. The type who fears gang violence in a safe Miami neighborhood.
Darrackodrama t1_j93niow wrote
Reply to comment by photo-smart in I just wanted to ask a girl for directions on the subway, and she absolutely made my day by skyeyemx
For example if there is a subway grate below you and you’re on an avenue you know that train (usually the one you just got off of is running below you depends on the station though)
Then you can look down the block and see if the street number decreases or increases and get a sense of north south if you’re on an avenue !
Darrackodrama t1_j91dtl3 wrote
Reply to comment by 3DPrintedCloneOfMyse in I just wanted to ask a girl for directions on the subway, and she absolutely made my day by skyeyemx
Sometimes when you are in a new station and you talk 3 turns and a stairwell to get to street level you forget which way the train was running.
It helps to know if you are standing near an avenue and if there is a subway grate below. That is giveaway for me of north south vs East west and the rest is context
Darrackodrama t1_j81s297 wrote
Reply to comment by colourcodedcandy in Median New York rent passes $4,000 a month in January by geoxol
Has to be the right building, it needs to be Austrian style government controlled housing that we contract out, needs to be fast tracked, set up a special administrative court to hear legal claims and get 200k rent controlled units on the market at cost. This is how we tackle this. The private market isn’t going to fix housing
Darrackodrama t1_j2zn6v7 wrote
Reply to comment by NKR1978 in NY officially solicits bids for casino with license fee set at $500M by geoxol
Casinos are symptoms of problems despite them being harmless
Darrackodrama t1_j0n3c1l wrote
Reply to comment by njmids in State Orders NYC To Drop Foie Gras Sales Ban, Says Ban Violates NY Agricultural Law by Gato1980
The same way a human being might “not mind” being force fed sweets and other Shit by a higher intelligent being right?
Any lack of consent being forced on animals without absolute necessity for society is inhumane. Anything that can be feasibly done to mitigate animal abuse should be done
Darrackodrama t1_j0gexzr wrote
Reply to Due to slow rollout of legal cannabis, NY ditches mold and yeast safety limits. Growers told to "self regulate" as crops sit rotting in warehouses, unable to get to market. by nickelloafer
Such an impressively fucked up situation
Darrackodrama t1_j07u1vu wrote
Reply to comment by spoil_of_the_cities in How a Hotel Was Converted into Housing for Formerly Homeless People by MillennialNightmare
More barriers to entry and selection of tenants just like an apartment building, whereas homeless shelters operate under specific mandates, they have more latitude to build healthier communities and exclude problematic tenants
Darrackodrama t1_iz54bx4 wrote
Reply to comment by jamesnyc32 in Found lost wallet with cc and id by shamgodpro888
Oh didn’t think of it that way haha
Darrackodrama t1_iz08m47 wrote
Reply to comment by jamesnyc32 in Found lost wallet with cc and id by shamgodpro888
How nice of them ?
Darrackodrama t1_iy6jniu wrote
Reply to comment by damagecontrolparty in NYC Salary Transparency Law Exposes Art World's Lowest Wages by exgalactic
My partner has a living wage job in the art world (so proud of her) and she pointed this out last week about how fucked the art world is
Darrackodrama t1_ixiplki wrote
Reply to comment by ctindel in It's a Miracle Your Favorite Local Bar Still Exists by troxwalt
Build what then, more “luxury buildings”? And why does it matter that they take a loss when you’re providing an essential human need?
This is why the government needs to get back into the business of social housing
Darrackodrama t1_ixh4mwu wrote
Reply to comment by GND52 in It's a Miracle Your Favorite Local Bar Still Exists by troxwalt
But people aren’t building more apartments precisely because it would make the system less profitable?
You see the problem with your logic? It rests on the assumption that the private market needs to build except reality has actually shown the private market doesn’t ever want to build.
Then you circle back around and introduce some hypothetical actions that a private market hasn’t ever provided assuming by magic that they will.
Darrackodrama t1_je6zral wrote
Reply to comment by tonka737 in Passing Good Cause Eviction would NOT make it harder for landlords to evict tenants for non-payment by [deleted]
Lol the city’s inaction at curtailing landlord gouging ? The city is just as much to blame in a sense because they let greedy landlords charge whatever they want.
But let’s be real here landlords are getting greedier post Covid and it’s our problem now.
And your contractual rights are subject to regulations under current law because you’re putting the space on an open market and we can regulate for the public good which good cause is undoubtedly.