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Enjolras55 t1_ivwtw63 wrote

Yup, had New York still had the redrawn maps, Democrats would be guaranteed to keep the House because it would have led to 7 more Democratic seats.

Cuomo destroyed Democrats' chances of winning the House.


KaiDaiz t1_ivxh2o0 wrote

>would have led to 7 more Democratic seats.

Delusional. Dems would have still lost the seats in their version of the map based on the performance of election.

This was the proposed map dems wanted -

We couldn't hold onto D4 with a 10+D lean in final map and you think we can take SI even with a 7+D lean in proposed? Nonsense. Would argue we would of lost all the germander created districts upstate anyway

Fact is even the final version of the map was still favorable to Dems and they still blew it and more. We lost the House bc of NY and it wasn't redistricting fault.


occasional_cynic t1_ivxym2b wrote

Still had them? Is Reddit celebrating gerrymandering now because their side doing is fine?


Enjolras55 t1_ivy25eu wrote

If Republicans are allowed to keep gerrymandering, it's stupid for Dems to not use it. That's not a fair election system.


occasional_cynic t1_ivy954f wrote

They have been doing it for generations. Have you not seen AOC's district?


Gozillasbday t1_ivya792 wrote

Your comment history is all over New Hampshire, why are you even here?


occasional_cynic t1_ivyga3h wrote

Grew up in Middletown and lived in Brooklyn for a bit after college. Currently reside in NH. Is there a residency requirement where redditors do not have to resort to deflection to avoid admitting things are not black and white?


Gozillasbday t1_ivymtzk wrote

You lived in Nyc for a little after college and left now you're saying nonsense in the sub.