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iStealyournewspapers t1_iyeo6ip wrote

I’ll never forget making a wrong turn on my way back into the city and ending up driving through the bronx for a while when Covid was in full swing. Almost no one was masked and people were having big gatherings in parks. Just seemed like it wasn’t gonna go well.


Jeff-Van-Gundy t1_iyf5iz7 wrote

It was def a problem but as someone who worked in Harlem, Queens and The Bronx every day during the pandemic, midtown/downtown was WAY worse with people disregarding masks at the height of the pandemic. Although, funniest thing I saw was 3 people sharing a hookah at like 830 AM on the block in the why the fuck are you up that early to smoke hookah?


iStealyournewspapers t1_iyfbn3q wrote

Ah haha! Gotta get that morning buzz I guess. Shame about midtown too. I really didn't get out much then and was further uptown so I never saw that area.


chargeorge t1_iyesw53 wrote

Our doors unmasked and our door gatherings have never been unsafe.


iStealyournewspapers t1_iyew3f1 wrote

If you're outdoors hugging each other, touching each other in any way, having a bbq where infected folks are touching their faces/nose/eyes and then stuff that other people then touch, well then it's not exactly safe, is it?