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hannibalbaracka t1_iw0qtge wrote

Land mass seems a weird statistic to use here, why wouldn’t you use population?


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_iw0rxyx wrote

Because it’s intentionally created inequality that some areas can only be inhabited by people with cars, and others only with people who mass transit.

Then people like you fake outrage to disguise disgust when these two populations interact in any way.

Same outrage when someone uses a car to leave the city for the weekend vs sticking to transit accessible locations.

No need to mask what’s really going on here. Segregation exists, and anytime someone crosses those norms, some on this subreddit go nuts.


hannibalbaracka t1_iw0shw0 wrote

Okay, but it doesn’t matter if 50% of the land mass is far from transit if only 25% of people like there. The actual solution you care about is giving those 25% better access, not land that has no people access


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_iw0v6ac wrote

You’re right. Let’s just ignore the whole segregation in 2022 thing because it makes you look like an asshole.

It also substantially contributes to the lack of housing.

So now you look like an asshole 2X over for doubling down on your shitty take.


hannibalbaracka t1_iw0y7sh wrote

? I agree that combatting subway deserts and increasing access is important! I just think we should judge access based on population and not land mass