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Grass8989 t1_iwtfnp2 wrote

Cool so let’s fire all COs who are 85% PoC and 40% women. Do you care when corrections officers are assaulted by violent inmates too? Or are we just going to virtue signal that all of the inmates are on rikers by accident.


RecommendationOld525 t1_iwtgp60 wrote

Looking at your post and comment history, you seem obsessed with crime in NYC, so I don’t think it’s worth engaging with you because I don’t think you’re engaging in good faith.

But just one thing quickly: women and people of color are not exempt from being abusive assholes. And nowhere did I say anything you’re pretending I said. Please take your energy elsewhere, thank you.


mission17 t1_iwthkbb wrote

They claim to care about POC but compared the BLM protests to January 6th. Oh brother.


Grass8989 t1_iwti0rh wrote

Dude literally follows me everywhere. I compared the violent extremists (ie the ones who used Molotov cocktails) who took part in the 2020 protests to the Jan 6th insurrectionists not just any protestors but again whatever narrative you want to create.
