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WickhamAkimbo t1_ix3rwkk wrote

They also report accurately on a number of important stories that other outlets in the city ignore because they reflect poorly on the Democratic party that controls the state. Recently, that includes stories about crime in the city.

Since these stories are ignored by more reputable outlets, demands to remove the Post generally just look like attempts to censor information that is unflattering to your political leanings.


Rtn2NYC t1_ix4eze4 wrote

This issue is not being ignored, reading methodology is a hot topic in academia and has been covered by multiple reputable papers of record across the country. They’re actually pretty late to the game on this one and no mention of how methodologies and textbooks are often dictated by big business or conservative ideology (TX is a big influencer of textbooks).

I read the Post too, but it’s important to actively google the topic and read other sources, especially when an article evokes anger and is very light on context, background analysis and balanced perspective.