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IronManFolgore t1_ix5iwm1 wrote

>Students can’t write because they are taught that spelling, punctuation and grammar are (I am not making this up) if not outright racist, systemically unfair to POC due to either large amounts of ESL or AAVE.

crazy, who is asking for this? I'm an immigrant so I was in ESL classes. I grew up surrounded by kids that were all 1st or 2nd gen immigrants. My elementary, middle, and high school were 95% minority and low income but we still learned phonics.

When did this shift start in NYC? I started learning English about 20 years ago.


Rtn2NYC t1_ixknpdn wrote

Don’t know. Just what my daughter told me when I asked her why she was allowed to submit assignments in all lower case letters with no marks off for spelling, grammar or punctuation