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t1_iy3hdtl wrote

I'm taking NJ Transit to Penn station next weekend and I'll be traveling with young kids. So, inevitably they will probably need to use the restroom. Are there any restrooms that are at least somewhat decent and won't be filled with homeless people, like in a designated ticketed area? A neighbor told me that the NJT concourse isn't too bad.


t1_iy3mnke wrote

Yeah the bathrooms are fine. Moynihan is fine. Its not really as bad as the people on the internet or the news makes it out to be.


t1_iy3r8sh wrote

There's two bathrooms in Moyinhan that are nice, but only like 8 stalls. On either side of the food hall, one IN the food hall (mid 33rd street, lower level) and then one bathroom on the south side near Duane Reade (mid 32nd street).

There are bathrooms that are bigger in penn but during a rush they can get really busy. It's in the "big room" where the large timetable board used to be, SE corner of 33rd and 8th.

Than there's the tiniest bathroom ever in the NJ transit waiting area, probably not the best if you have kids because it's like 3 stalls.


t1_iy3rceq wrote

but again, penn and moynihan are not nearly as bad as anyone makes it seem. I'm there nearly everyday and it's quite nice


t1_iy3sp8p wrote

I can't speak for in Moynihan but in the old Penn the bathrooms in the NJTransit concourse are usually OK.


t1_iy4bkbj wrote


NJT 7th ave waiting area has 2 stalls, 4 urinals, medium sized seating area

LIRR waiting area has like 10 urinals, cant remember the stalls, small seating area

NJT 8th ave waiting area (old Amtrak) has the most seating, 10 or so urinals, 5 stalls.

Moynihan does not have access to all tracks that NJT uses